Adding a Business Unit

To add a Business Unit, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Accounting Module.
  2. Expand the Business Unit group item located in the left navigation menu.
  3. Click the Add Business Unit action item. The Add - Business Unit page displays.
  4. Complete the fields as listed below.
    Field Name Required? Description
    code Required Enter the code for the new Business Unit. This is the value that will display in the Business Unit drop-down list in netFORUM .
    name Required Enter the name of the new Business Unit.
    association Required Expand the association drop-down menu and select the association that will be using this Business Unit.
    currency Optional Expand the currency drop-down menu and select the default currency to be used for all journal entries associated with this Business Unit.
  5. Click the Save button. The Business Unit Profile page will open.

    Add - Business Unit Page Completed

Note: While adding a Business Unit is very simple, there is significant functionality that can be set up in the Business Unit Profile child forms.