Preparing Your System for Multi-Currency

Price Setup

The currency drop-down list has been added to the Add - Price page. Only the currencies added to the Business Unit will display in the drop-down list.

If the EnableMulticurrency system option is enabled, selecting a currency from the currency drop-down list is required (Default = Business Unit Main Currency). If the system option is not enabled, the drop-down list will not display.

The currency column has been added to the prices child form and the appropriate symbol will display with the price.

Note: When adding items to a package, it is recommended that they all be in the same currency!

Customer Setup

A default currency can be setup for each customer (Individual or Organization). The default currency can be added on the Demographics form on the Individual or Organization Profile pages. This is used to determine the preferred order and invoice currency for each customer.

SCENARIO: An individual customer in Greece, whose default currency has been set to Euros, purchases a product from an organization in the United States. The Transaction Currency is now in Euros so the organization must invoice that customer in Euros.

If a currency is not specified for an individual or organization placing an order, the currency will default to the Main Currency in the Business Unit.

If the EnableMulticurrency system option is not enabled the drop-down list will not display in either Demographics form.