Payment Profile

The Payment Profile page shows payment information for a transaction, for example, who made the payment, the transaction code, transaction date, batch number, source code, media code, and check or credit card information.

Payment Profile Information

The Payment Profile displays the following information:

Field Description
paid by Displays the name of the customer who made this payment. Click the linked name to go to the Individual, Organization, or Household profile in the CRM Module.
transaction code Displays the netFORUM-generated number that is the transaction code.
transaction date Displays the date and time that this payment took place.
batch Displays the name of the batch used to process the payment. Click the linked name to go to the Batch Profile page.
source code Displays the user-assigned Source Code for this payment.
media code Displays the user-entered Media Code for this payment.
payment notes Displays the notes entered by iWeb users while processing this payment.

The Payment Information Section of the Payment Profile displays the following information, depending on the payment type.

Payment Method Field Description
all payment method Displays Cash, Check, or the name of the Credit Card.
  payment amount Displays the amount of the payment.
  currency Displays the type of currency used for this payment.
credit card credit card number Displays the first two and last four of the 16-digit credit card number.
  expiration date Displays the credit card expiration date.
  cardholder name Displays the full name on the credit card.
  authorization code Displays the gateway-generated authorization code.
  pre-authorization only? Displays Yes or No.
  reference number TBD
check check number Displays the user-entered check number.
  routing number Displays the nine-digit routing number for the financial institution that issued the check.
  account number Displays the number of the bank account this check draws from.
  name on check Displays the user-entered name of the person who wrote the check.

Payment Profile Actions

You can perform the following actions from the Payment Profile. Some of these actions do not appear unless the Payment Profile meets certain criteria. If you cannot do it, you cannot click it.

  • Edit the Profile
  • Void the Payment
  • Create a Chargeback
  • Action Items>Go to saved payment info

Payment Child Forms

The payment Profile has one child form tab: the Details tab. The Details tab contains the following child forms with information related to the Payment:

  • Invoice Line Items
  • Overpayment Credits
  • Payment Details
  • Adjusted/Voided Payment Details
  • Credits Used