Cache folder

Many areas of netFORUM use caching to enhance performance and system speed.

System Options

The following system options relate to caching:

  • CachingProvider - Recommended setting is Both Memory and Disk.
  • CachingProviderEvictionTime - Recommended setting is 480 (480 minutes is 8 hours), but this needs to be fine-tuned based on memory consumption.
  • CachingProviderEvictionType - Default (this configures in-memory to sliding and Disk to infinite)
  • EnableCachingOfMetaData - this is the main system option that turns Caching on and off. Recommended setting this to false in development databases to avoid having to repeatedly refresh cache to view system changes. In live production databases, set to trueto enhance speed and performance. If this option is set to true, the contents of the md_cache_setup table is referenced to utilize caching for specified netFORUMMetadata tables.
  • CacheTablePermissions - Recommended setting is true. If checked, once a user's Privileges are read from the md_privilege table, they are placed in the CachedTablePermissions hash table to eliminate the need to read them from the database again. If this system option is changed, the application will need to be restarted.
  • EnableCachingOfUserData - If this option is set to true, the contents of the md_cache_setup table is referenced to utilize caching for specified netFORUM Metadata tables.
  • CacheRootFolder - Identifies the file system folder that netFORUM uses by default as the root for the netFORUM Cache folder. If left blank, the default value is ..\\CacheRoot\\Cache. The value is relative to the physical application root path. For example, if the physical application root path is c:\inetpub\wwwroot\netForum\iWeb, then by default the cache path would be c:\inetpub\wwwroot\netForum\CacheRoot\Cache. This system option initially contains a blank value, but this value can be overridden if desired.
  • CacheRootFolder eWeb - Identifies the file system folder that eWeb uses as the root folder for the netFORUM Cache folder. If left blank, the CacheRootFolder system option value is used. The default value is ..\\CacheRoot\\Cache
  • CacheRootFolder xWeb - Identifies the file system folder that xWeb uses as the root folder for the netFORUM Cache folder. If left blank, the CacheRootFolder system option value is used.

How to clear cache

See main article for how to clear cache in iWeb.


Reset Cache in iWeb

To reset cache, you may go to Admin and go to the clear cache page from the group item link.

Reset Cache in SQL

From the database, you may run:

exec dbo.md_cache_resetgo

The md_cache_reset SP will signal netFORUM to delete the cache.

Clearing User Specific Cache

netFORUM keeps track of which tabs and childforms a User last was on or had expanded and stores this information in a web browser cookie called netForumChildFormTab. If tabs are added/modified/deleted this may cause Users to see a empty set of tabs. If this is the case you should delete this cookie from the User's web browser.

Force Reset Cache by Deleting Files

If neither of the two options above work, you may need to manually delete the files in the cache folder (which will delete all of its subfolders as well) on the web server. This folder is typically within the CacheRoot folder, which is at the same level as iWeb, eWeb, xWeb, etc. Do not worry about deleting this folder, as netFORUM will immediately recreate it as the cache gets regenerated.