Add Client

netFORUM uses Client information in the Remit Payment To dropdown list in certain Refund and Invoice reports.

To add a Client, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Modules>Admin>Client>Add Client. The Add - Client page opens.
  2. Use the descriptions in the table below to enter information in the Client Information section:
    Field NameRequiredDescription
    client nameOptionalEnter the client's name.
    acronymOptionalEnter the client's acronym.
    licenseOptionalEnter the client's license.
    contact personOptionalEnter the name of the contact person.
    header reportOptionalEnter report header text.
    footer reportOptionalEnter report footer text.
    primary?OptionalCheck this box if this is the primary information for this client.
  3. Use the descriptions below to enter information in the Address And Contact Information section:
    Field NameRequiredDescription
    addr line 1RequiredEnter the first line of the address.
    addr line 2OptionalEnter the second line of the address.
    adr line 3OptionalEnter the third line of the address
    cityRequiredEnter the city.
    state/zipRequiredEnter the state and zip code.
    county/districtOptionalEnter the county and district.
    countryOptionalEnter the country.
    phoneOptionalEnter the phone number.
    extOptionalEnter the phone number extension.
    faxOptionalEnter the fax number.
    extOptionalEnter the fax number extension.
    emailOptionalEnter the email address.
    websiteOptionalEnter the website address.
    logoOptionalUse this field to upload a logo.
  4. Click Save to save the new client and go to the Edit - Client page. Click Cancel to return to the previous page without saving your changes.