Add Keyword Category

Add a Keyword Category when you want to group similar keywords into logical categories in netFORUM.

To add a Keyword Category, use the following steps:

  1. Expand the Module Menu and click the Admin hyperlink to open the Admin module.
  2. Click the Keyword Categories group item to view the list of available group items.

    Keyword group items
    Add Keyword Category Group Item Highlighted

    Note: You might need to scroll through the list of Group Items for the Keyword Categories group item to be visible.

  3. Click the Add Keyword Category group item.

    This opens the Add - Keyword Category page.

  4. Enter the name of the keyword category in the keyword category code field.
  5. Enter a short description of the keyword category in the keyword category description field.

    keyword category
    Add - Keyword Category Fields Completed

  6. Click the Save button.

    The keyword category is now available for use when creating a keyword.