
The Awards Module enables you to manage award profiles and award-related items.

The Group Items within the Awards Module include the following:

The primary Profile Pages in Awards include:

Setting Up the Awards Drop-down Lists

netFORUM uses drop-down lists for easy data entry. Some drop-down lists have baseline information that may need to be changed to make the list more organization-specific e.g. organizations have different types of activities.

Bold text is a likely indicator that the field is Required data. Other data fields, check boxes, and drop-down lists may be Conditional i.e. affected by others, are not required but available if you need them.

You can add, edit, or delete data from the Awards Setup pages just as you would from any netFORUM child form. However, once a data element is used on a profile page or form, it can be disabled or hidden but not deleted.

You can also access the Setup links from the Overview Group Item.

Common Tasks

The most common tasks within Awards are displayed directly on the Overview page, and you can access them by simply clicking their icons. You can also find these tasks and other common tasks in the Group Items.