Editing the Award Judge Profile

Clicking the Edit button allows you to make changes to the Judge's information, or delete the Judge's record.

Using the Edit button

The Award Judge Profile contains an edit button to allow you to edit the information about the judge:

  1. Go to Modules>Awards> Judges>Find, Query, or Add Judges>Award Judge Profile.
  2. Click the Edit button. The Edit-Award Judge page opens.
  3. Edit the information in the fields of the General Judge Information Section as described in the table below:
  4. Field Name Required Description
    stage/round Required Select the stage or round this individual will judge.
    name Required Type the first few letters of the Individual's last name to see a list of matches. Or use the look up icon for a list of individuals.
    bio information Optional Type information about this judge that you want displayed.
  5. Edit the information in the fields of the Contact Information Section as described in the table below:
  6. Field Name Required Description
    address Optional Select an address from the drop-down list.
    phone Optional Select a phone number from the drop-down list.
    fax Optional Select a fax number from the drop-down list.
    e-mail Optional Select an email from the drop-down list.
    comm pref Optional Select a communication preference from the drop-down list.
  7. Enter the information in the optional confirmation status and area of specialty fields of the Judge Information Section as described below:
    • confirmation status: Select a status from the drop-down list.
    • area of specialty: Enter the individual's area of specialty that qualifies him or her to be a judge.
  8. Click the Save button to save your changes and return to the Award Judge Profile. Click the Delete button to delete the Award Judge. Click the Cancel button to return to the Award Judge Profile without saving your changes.

Note: The page to edit the Award Judge data includes the same fields and drop-down lists as the Add - Award Judge page.