Judge Profile Info Tab

The Info tab on the Award Judge Profile page contains one child form to add and list judging scores associated with the award stage or round.

This topic covers the Info Tab on the Award Judge Profile and how to use the judging scores child form.

On child forms, you can see several icons that perform various actions when you click them. They are:

Icons Actions
expand/close icon to expand or close a child form.
goto record icon to view that record's profile page.
add icon to add a new record to the child form.
edit icon to edit a record on the child form.
delete icon to delete a record on the child form.
grandchild form icon to expand or close a grandchild form.
  new window icon to open a child form in a new window.
  more info icon to see more information about the a record on the child form.
  linked headings to sort the records.
  refresh the data in the form.
  export the data to a quick report for download.

Judging Scores

The judging scores child form lists scores that users enter from this particular judge in this specific stage of the current award. You can also add scores from the judging scores child form.

Use the following steps to add judging scores:

  1. Go to Modules > Awards > Judges > Find, Query, or Add Award Judge > Award Judge Profile > Info tab.
  2. On the judging scores child form, click the Add button.
  3. In the Add - Award Judging Score window, enter the information in the fields for the populated award name, award stageand judge as described in the table below:
    Field NameRequiredDescription
    entry titleRequiredSelect the entry this judge is scoring from the drop-down box.
    scoreRequiredEnter a number for the score.
    score dateOptionalSelect or enter the date that corresponds to the score you entered.
  4. Click the Save button to save the new score to the list of scores in the judging scores child form and return to the Award Judge Profile. Click the Cancel button to return to the Award Judge Profile without saving the new score.