Add Assignment (Individual)

Add an assignment for an individual when you want to assign a staff member to do a specific task pertaining to this individual customer. Add an assignment for a group when you want to assign a staff member to do a specific task pertaining to a group of customers. Once you add and save this assignment, the assignee receives a notification email.

Note: You can also add an assignment from an Individual Profile to make the assignment about that individual.

To add an assignment for an individual, use the following steps:

  1. Go to the path above. The Add-Assignment page opens.
  2. Fill in the Assignment Information as described in the table below:
    Fields RequiredDescription
    nameRequiredEnter the first few letters of the customer's last name, a list of matches appears. Select your customer from the list, or click the look up button for a full list of customers.

    Select the staff member (netFORUM user) who gets the assignment. This field defaults to the current user. Users with the exclude user flag selected are excluded from this drop-down list.

    status OptionalSelect the status of this assignment from the drop-down list.
    roleRequiredSelect the staff member's role in the assignment from the drop-down list.
    priorityOptionalSelect the priority of this assignment from the drop-down list.
    remind dateOptionalSelect or enter the date that netFORUM will remind the assignee of this task.
    sourceOptionalSelect the source of this assignment from the drop-down list. Examples of assignment sources are: inbound call, outbound call, or eWeb.
    due dateOptionalSelect or enter the date that this assignment should be completed.
    activityRequiredSelect an activity from the drop-down list.
    email templateOptionalSelect a template to format the email that netFORUM sends to the assignee.
    assignment summaryRequiredEnter a friendly name for this assignment.
    assignment detailOptionalEnter more details about this assignment.
  3. Click the Save button to save your changes, send the assignee an email, and go to the Assignment Profile.
  4. Note: The assignee's notification email contains a link directly to the Assignment Profile in netFORUM.

    Click the Cancel button to go to the previous page without saving your changes.