Awards Tab

An Award is any special recognition for a person or persons inside or outside of your organization.

Example: Employee of the Month, Going Green Initiatives, and so on.

This help topic covers awards for individuals and all the child forms associated with it including:

  • Award Sponsors
  • Award Entries

An individual can do two things with awards: sponsor an award, or enter to receive an award. The Awards tab has two child forms that reflect those activities.

Award Sponsors

An individual can become an award sponsor by paying for something associated with an award or the award ceremony.

Example: A sponsor can pay for food and beverage, a banner, or a silent auction item.

Once an invoice for the sponsorship is created, the award is listed under the award sponsors child form in the Individual Profile window.

Awards Tab, award sponsors child form

Once you expand the award sponsors child form, you can see icons that allow you to perform the following actions on the page:

Use the

goto record icon to view that record's profile page.

Use the

edit icon to edit a record on the child form.

Use the

more info icon to see more information about the a record on the child form.

Use the

linked headings to sort the sponsor records.

Award Entries

An individual can enter himself or herself for an award, or another individual can nominate him or her. Once an invoice for the entry is created, the award is listed under the award entries child form in the Individual Profile window. There are two actions you can perform from the award entries child form: add another award record using the add icon, or launch a report using the export icon.

Awards Tab, award entries child form

Once you expand the award sponsors child form, you can see icons that allow you to perform the following actions on the page:

Use the

goto record icon to view that record's profile page.

Use the

edit icon to edit a record on the child form.

Use the

linked headings to sort the sponsor records.