Events Tab

The Events child form tab contains information related to events an individual has signed up for—as well as attendee substitutions, cancellations, and faculty assignment.

Events tab child forms

Child forms under this tab include:

  • registrations

    Event registrations for the member being viewed are listed under this child form. To add an event registration to an individual's profile, click the event registration icon in the Actions Bar on the individual profile, or add a registrant from the Events module.

  • substitutions

    If the individual is scheduled to attend an event as a substitution for a different individual, this information appears under the substitutions child form. To perform a substitution, navigate to the Event Registrant profile for the individual being substituted.

  • cancellations

    Canceled event registrations appear under the cancellations child form. To cancel an event registration, navigate to the event registrant profile.

  • faculty assignments

    If the individual is scheduled to work at an event in an official capacity, this information appears in the faculty assignments child form. For more detailed information on assigning a registrant as a faculty member, visit the Event Faculty topic.