Stored Payment Information Child Form

An individual's Stored Payment Information is payment information, such as credit card number and expiration date, that an individual has entered through eWeb or has communicated to a staff member to enter in iWeb.

This topic covers the information you can see on the Stored Payment Information child form. For information on the actions you can perform on the Stored Payment Information child form, see the following topic:

  • Adding Stored Payment Information

Stored Payment Information Child Form Information

You see the following columns on the Stored Payment Informationchild form:

Column Description
Name Displays the full name of the individual.
Method Displays the user-entered payment method.
Displayed Number Displays the masked credit card number.
Expiration Displays the credit card expiration date.
Routing Number Displays the full routing number for the bank if paid by ACH.
Number Display Displays a masked account number if paid by ACH.
Account Type Displays C for checking, or S for savings.

Displays the netFORUM-generated status of the payment. A list of the possible statuses follows:

No Status Displayed: is Active, the default state for payment information. netFORUM assumes the payment information is good.

Active: is the default state for payment information. netFORUM assumes the payment information is good.

Failing: is the state for payment information that has experienced some failures. netFORUM still tries to process this information for installment payments.

Pending: is the state for payment information that was previously Failing or Invalid and was updated by a user. netFORUM will try this updated CPI, until then it is in a Probation, or Pending state. If CPI in the Pending state succeeds when it is used for a payment, netFORUM changes the state to Active. If netFORUM tries CPI in the Pending state again and it fails, netFORUMchanges the state to Failing again.

Invalid: is the state for payment information that netFORUM has tried and found to be invalid. netFORUM does not try to process this payment information again until a user updates the information.

Note: You can change the Status from Failing or Invalid to Pending by editing the payment information.

Child Form Icons

Use the following icons to work with child forms. Not every form will have all of the icons listed.

Icons Actions
expand/close icon to expand or close a child form.
goto record icon to view that record's profile page.
add icon to add a new record to the child form.
edit icon to edit a record on the child form.
delete icon to delete a record on the child form.
grandchild form icon to expand or close a grandchild form.
  new window icon to open a child form in a new window.
  more info icon to see more information about the a record on the child form.
  linked headings to sort the records.
  refresh the data in the form.
  export the data to a quick report for download.