Misc Child Form

The Misc child form tab contains child forms that pertain mostly to activities that the individual may have. Note: You may need to click the More tab to show this tab. Child forms under this tab include:


Interests are used to record additional information about an individual that may or may not apply to their profession. The interest child form displays the interest code, description, intensity level, and whether or not the interest is implicit. For more information on interest code set up, view Interest Code Set Up.


business activities

areas of expertise

Areas of Expertise are used to record information about an individual where he or she may be an expert. The areas of expertise child form displays the category and sub category of the area. Hold down the control key and left click to select more than one sub category for a specific category. For more information on area of expertise set up, view Area of Expertise Set Up.

The Areas of Expertise Child Form

individual documents

state license

nearby contacts

possible duplicate records

product wish list


The languages child form is used to list the languages the individual is proficient in. To add a new language, click the Add to open the Add - Language pop-up window and select a language from the drop-down menu. Languages are added to the drop-down menu from the Customer Setup page.

Individual Profile Languages Child Form

advocacy issues