Subscriptions Tab

The Subscriptions child form tab contains information on subscriptions associated with the individual. This can include active and canceled subscriptions, as well as subscriptions that are scheduled to take place in the future. Discount program usage and coupons are also recorded in this section.

Child forms under this tab include:

  • active subscriptions

    Subscriptions that are active (not pending in the future, canceled, or expired) are listed in this child form. View subscription details, including the invoice number on which the subscription was purchased, the subscription name, rate, dates during which the subscription ran, and more.

  • canceled subscriptions

    Subscriptions that have been canceled for the individual appear under the canceled subscriptions child form.

  • subscription issues purchased

    If the individual has purchased just an issue of a subscription and not the complete subscription, the invoice number and related data appear in the subscription issues purchased child form.

  • previous subscriptions

    The previous subscriptions child form lists a history of subscriptions that are past their end date. This section does not include canceled subscriptions.

  • future subscriptions

    Subscriptions that are scheduled to begin at a future date appear in the future subscriptions child form.

  • discount program usage

    If an individual purchases an hourly discount program, when credits are redeemed on that program, those uses are displayed on the discount program usage child form.

  • discount program coupons

    If an individual purchases a by use discount program, when uses are redeemed on that, those uses are displayed on the discount program usage child form.