CRM Overview
The CRM module provides you the ability to add and manage individual constituents and organizations to the system.
The following group items and setup pages are available in CRM.
- Overview and Setup
- Executive Dashboard
- Customer Request Setup
- Customer Setup
- Address & Phone Setup
- Degree Setup
- Individual Demographics Setup
- Organization Demographics Setup
- User-Defined Demographics Setup
Overview and Setup Group Item
When you go to a module (in this case is the CRM), most of the time, the first tab you will see is the overview tab. Overview is where you setup certain fields in a module. The overview in the CRM module gives you the ability to control the Customer, Customer Request, and Address. We will go over all of them in greater detail. Besides controlling a certain field in CRM, the Overview page also gives you direct access to find/add an individual or organization.
Executive Dashboard
The Executive Dashboard gives you a visual representation of Reports you can run in netFORUM. Examples of information on this customizable page include:
- Sales and Cash Receipts by Week
- Sales Compared to Last Year by Month
- Member Count for Current Year vs. Last Year
- Top 3 Events
- New Members by Join Year
Executive Dashboard Example
Customer Setup
You can access this by clicking on the Customer Setup group item link.
In the Customer Setup page, you control fields for Individual, Organization, Relationship, Degree, and System option. with in the individual, you can add/delete an individual prefix, suffixes, individual type, interest codes, and/or source code. you will find all of these when adding a new individual or modifying it.
For Organization, you can control the organization type and the product types as well.
For Relationship, you can add/remove the relationship type, related associations, and the relationship type system option.
For Degree, you can add/remove the degree area, institution, degree specialty, and degree type. For System option, you will see all the system option that's related to the CRM module. To understand more about customer setup and where it will be used, see the Customer Setup help topic.
Address & Phone Setup
Within the Address and Phone Setup page, you can control the Address, Fax, Phone, and/or Region/zone.
For Address Setup, you can add/remove address type, bad address type, address system option, country setup, address change reason, address hold type, country system options. For fax, you can add/delete fax type and control the fax system options and default values. For Phone, you can add/delete the phone type and modify the phone system options and default values. For Region and Zone, you can add/delete regions and/or zones. To understand more about Address setup and where it will be used, see the Address Setup help topic.