Certification Setup

Use Certification Setup to configure the values in the drop-down lists for the fields within the different Certification module profile pages. You will define such values as the certification program type your member will be attempting to gain certification in, certificant status so you can track where in the certification process a certificant is, CEU type so that you can track certification education units, and course type so that you can track the different course types involved in your certification program for reporting and tracking purposes.

The Certification Setup page gives you access to configure the following fields:

  • program type
  • certificant status
  • ceu type
  • course type

On child forms, you can see several icons that perform various actions when you click them. They are:

Icons Actions
expand/close icon to expand or close a child form.
goto record icon to view that record's profile page.
add icon to add a new record to the child form.
edit icon to edit a record on the child form.
delete icon to delete a record on the child form.
grandchild form icon to expand or close a grandchild form.
  new window icon to open a child form in a new window.
  more info icon to see more information about the a record on the child form.
  linked headings to sort the records.
  refresh the data in the form.
  export the data to a quick report for download.

Program Type

The program type child form is where you specify the types of certification programs you will have. For instance you can specify certificate programs, certificate renewal programs, continuing education programs, or professional programs. General terms work best here so that when you add a more specific Certification Program, such as the Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification program, you can then classify it under the type Certification or Professional Certification. Having your types defined before you begin adding your specific Certification Program Management programs in netFORUM is good for reporting and categorization purposes.

To set-up a program type:

  1. Go to Modules>Certification > Overview > Certification Setup.
  2. On the program type child form, click the Add Record button. The Add - Program Type page opens.
  3. Enter the program type code and click Save.

Certificant Status

Use the certificant status child form to track where an individual is in the certification process. For example, if you have received an individual's application and are reviewing it, the status might be applied. If the individual is in the process of earning a certificate, he or she might be considered enrolled.

To set-up Certificant status:

  1. Go to Modules>Certification > Overview > Certification Setup.
  2. On the certificant status child form, click the Add Record button. The Add - Certificant Status page opens.
  3. Enter a status and click Save.

CEU Type

Use the CEU type child form to keep track of the different types of Continuing Education Units (CEU)s that your Certificant can earn during the certification process. You can set-up and track CEUs for Merchandise, Publications, Subscriptions, Events, Sessions, and Courses for your Certification Program.

Using the CEU module, you can grant CEU credits for any number of netFORUM objects should you decide to make them certification requirements. To help you keep track of the various CEU types for categorization and record keeping, specify which types of CEU credits you will use in your certification programs on the CEU type child form.

To set-up CEU types:

  1. Go to Modules>Certification > Overview > Certification Setup.
  2. On the ceu type child form, click the Add Record button. The Add - CEU Type page opens.
  3. Enter a ceu type (required), ceu description, and select a category. Click Save.

Adding CEU Sub-Types

Once you have entered CEU types in the ceu type child form, you can record CEU sub-types.

Note: CEU sub-types are not used in baseline netFORUM however sub-types are available for custom implementations.

To add CEU sub-types:

  1. Expand the ceu type child form.
  2. Click the folder icon next to the CEU type under which you want to create the CEU sub-type.

    Note: A gray folder icon indicates that no CEU sub-types have yet been createda yellow folder icon indicates that sub-types have been created under that CEU type.

    The Sub Type grandchild form expands.

  3. Click the [add ceu sub types] hyperlink.  The Add - CEU Sub-Type page opens.
  4. Enter a ceu sub type code in the Add-CEU Sub-Type page.
  5. Click Save.

    The newly created CEU sub-type appears in the Sub Type grandchild form.

    Add additional sub-types by clicking the [add ceu sub types] hyperlink.

Course Type

Use the course type child form to classify the types of courses you will have for your certification program. It may include anything from seminars and lectures to workshops and publications. Add anything that you want to count as a learning event that the Certificant will get credit for and that will be categorized as a course as a course type.

To set-up a course type:

  1. Click the Certification Setup tab.
  2. On the course type child form, click the Add Record button. The Add - Course Type page displays.
  3. Enter the course type and description and click Save.

Removing Values from Drop-Down Lists

You may decide that you want to delete a value from a drop-down list that you have previously created. netFORUM allows you to either delete a previously created value or to hide/disable it. There is a slight difference between the two. The rules are:

  • You can delete a value only if it has not been used elsewhere. For example, if you have created a CEU Type that is now in use, you cannot permanently delete it from future use. Instead you can hide and disable it from future use if you decide to no longer grant certification credit for it.
  • If you hide and disable a value and then decide you want to use it again, you must recreate it. There is no 'show' option.

Deleting Values

To Delete a Value From a Drop-down List:

  1. On the Certification Setup page, on the appropriate child form, find the record you would like to delete and click the Delete button.
  2. A warning message opens. Click OK to delete the item from the child form.

Note: After a drop-down list item is used, you will not be able to permanently delete the item. However, you can disable the record so that it does not show in the drop-down list. To disable the record, check the hide/disable record? check box (see below).

Hiding/Disabling Values

To Hide/Disable a Value From a Drop-down List:

  1. On the Certification Setup page, on the appropriate child form, find the record you would like to hide and click the edit button.
  2. Select the hide/disable record? check box and click Save. This removes the value from all of the drop-down lists.

Note: There is no show option to reverse the hide option. If you need the value again, you need to add it again.