Import Exam Graders

The Import Exam Graders button allows you to import an *.xls file containing information on exam graders, events, and sessions.

This topic covers using the Import Exam Graders button on the Course Profile page.

Using the Import Exam Graders Button

  1. Go to Modules>Certification > Course > Find, Query, or Add Course > Course Profile.
  2. Click the Import Exam Graders button. The Import Exam Graders page opens.
  3. Fill in the fields as described in the table below:
    EventRequiredYou must choose an event to associate with the imported exam graders.
    SessionRequiredThe Sessions available are dictated by the event you choose. Select a Session from the drop-down list.
    File to ImportRequiredClick the Browse... button to find an *.xls file on your computer or network. Find the file and click the Open button.
  4. Click the Import button to import the information into netFORUM and return to the Course Profile page. Click the Cancel button to return to the Course Profile page without importing the information.