Add a Contact

Add contacts when you want to associate an individual with a location as a contact and you want to track this individual and his or her role in the event, course, or exam.

To add a contact, use the following steps:

  1. Modules > Certification > Course Exam Location > Find, Query, or Add Location > Location Profile > Info Tab > contacts child form.
  2. Click the Add button. The Add-Location Contact page opens.
  3. Fill in the fields for the populated location name according to the table below:
    Field NameRequiredDescription
    sort name Required TBD
    location role type Optional TBD
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes and return to the Location Profile. Click the Cancel button to return to the Location Profile without saving your changes.

Add - Location Contact Icons

Use the following icons to work with the sort name field.

Use this Icon To Perform this Action
edit icon to open an edit page for that field.
add icon to add a new record for that field.
look up icon to see a list of record, click the individual record you want to return to the input page.