Add an Exam Date

Add exam dates when you want to track multiple deliveries of an exam at different times and at different locations. There may be multiple exam dates for a single exam.

To add an Exam Date, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Modules>Certification>Exam>Find, Query, or Add Exam>Exam Profile>Offerings Tab>exam dates child form.
  2. Click the Add button. The Add-Exam Location page opens.
  3. Fill in the fields for the populated exam according to the table below:
    Field NameRequiredDescription
    locationRequiredSelect the venue for the exam from the drop-down list.
    dateOptionalEnter or select the date of this exam delivery.
    start timeOptionalEnter the time of day that the exam begins.
    end timeOptionalEnter the time of day that the exam ends.
    registration deadlineOptionalEnter or select the date a participant must register in order to take this delivery of the exam.
    grade resultsOptionalEnter or select the date that the exam grades will be available.
    graderOptionalSelect the person who will grade this exam.
    notesOptionalEnter notes about this delivery of the exam.
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes and return to the Exam Profile. Click the Cancel button to return to the Exam Profile without saving your changes.