Add Prices

Clicking the [add prices] link opens the Add-Exam Fee page, which allows you to configure price information, assign G/L Account and Inventory Information, and configure some Price Attributes for the Exam Fee.

To add an Exam Price, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Modules>Certification>Exam>Find, Query, or Add Exam>Exam Profile>Fees Tab> Fees Child Form>Fee grandchild form
  2. Click the [add prices] link. The Add - Exam Fee page opens.
  1. Fill in the Price Information section as described in the table below:
  2. Field Required Description
    product name Required Defaults to the name of the Exam Fee.
    type Required Defaults to the Exam Fee type.
    display name Required Defaults to the friendly name for the fee.
    price Required Enter the dollar amount you would like to charge each registrant for this exam fee.
  3. Select one or more methods by which to send the invoice in the Send Via section.
  4. Fill in the G/L Account and Inventory Information section as described in the table below:
  5. Field Required Description
    split revenue among multiple accounts? Optional TBD
    business unit Required TBD
    project Optional Select a project that was added when adding a business unit. You can search or query on this value later.
    a/r account Required Select the account for Accounts Receivable from the drop-down box. This field defaults to an account and not to blank. Make sure you select the account you want. The account you choose is debited every time you sell an event registration.
    revenue account Required

    Select the account for revenue from the drop-down box. This field defaults to an account and not to blank. Make sure you select the account you want.

    This account is credited when you sell an event registration, and debited when you void an invoice in a closed batch

    liability account Required Select the account for liability from the drop-down box. This field defaults to an account and not to blank. Make sure you select the account you want. This account is credited when a paid invoice is canceled.
    return account Required

    Select the account for return from the drop-down box. This field defaults to an account and not to blank. Make sure you select the account you want.

    This account is debited when an invoice is canceled. For most associations, the return account is the same account used for the revenue account.

    write off account Required

    Select the account for Accounts Receivable from the drop-down box. This field defaults to an account and not to blank. Make sure you select the account you want.

    This account is debited when you create a write off. This is typically an expense account or the revenue account for the product.

    deferred? Optional

    Click this check box if the invoice payment is deferred. Once you click this check box, a drop-down box appears. Select an account from the drop-down box.

    If you check this check box the following happens:

    • If a registration is deferred, the deferred account is credited at the time the registration is sold. This account is debited when the recognize revenue process is run for the appropriate period.

    • If you have checked the ‘deferred’ check box on the product, it is not credited until you run the recognize revenue process for the period in which the ‘recognize after’ date for the product is included.

  6. Fill in the override Price Attributes section as described in the table below. Use the following attributes only if you want to override attributes you set in the G/L Account and Inventory Information section.
    Field NameRequiredDescription
    classOptionalSelect a class from the drop-down list.
    locationOptionalSelect a location from the drop-down list.
    departmentOptionalSelect a department from the drop-down list.
  7. If you want to restrict the pricing by region, fill in the fields in the Location Attributes section as described in the table below:
    Field NameRequiredDescription
    cityOptionalEnter the city that will receive the special price.
    state/territoryOptionalSelect the state or territory that will receive the special price.
    countyOptionalEnter the county that will receive the special price.
    regionOptionalSelect the region that will receive the special price.
    countryOptionalSelect the country that will receive the special price.
    zip code startOptionalEnter a single zip code or a range.
    zip code endOptionalEnter a single zip code or a range.
    attribute 1OptionalCustom field not currently in use
    attribute 2OptionalCustom field not currently in use
  8. Click the Save button to add your price and return to the Profile.
    Click the Cancel button to return to the Profile without saving your price.