Gifts Overview

A Gift is a charitable donation. There are several different types of gifts associated with fundraising. Examples of gifts include, stock, soft credit, in-kind, and matching. A gift may be entered from the Constituents Profile or from the Centralized Order Entry.

In order to add a gift, a customer record for the Organization or Individual making the donation must already exist in the CRM database. Once added, the Customer may then be added as a Constituent while adding a gift. Corporate matching can be added to a gift after the gift has been created.

Gifts in kind that are assets can be tracked using the In-Kind Gift Type. If the asset is later sold or liquidated, you must track any profit/loss in your accounting system, not in netFORUM.

If a Constituent donates Stock, netFORUM has the ability to track stock name, number of shares, and share price. netFORUM also provides the ability to enter the stock liquidation amount, which is assumed to be the market value of the stock the day it is gifted. The liquidation price will equate to the gift amount and/or tax deductible amount. Both can be overridden if applicable.

Gifts can be added to membership packages as a complementary product. Adding a gift as complementary product to a membership package will prompt users who purchase that membership package (both in iWeb and eWeb) to make a donation. When adding a gift to a membership package, you will relate the fund to the dues product(s) associated to that membership package.

netFORUM provides the ability to track solicited gifts and pledges from the Solicitor. When you add a gift, you may specify the Solicitor in the in the Solicitor drop-down field. When the Solicitor drop-down field is completed, the information is noted under the Fundraising tab on the Solicitor's profile in the CRM module.

The following functionality is available from the Gifts group item: