Fundraising Setup

Use Source Codes to determine the effectiveness of mailings (both email and direct mail). You can also use source codes to determine which mailings drove the most Event registrations, which mailings drive the most Membership purchases (or renewals), and which mailings drive the most Fundraising donations. Add a fundraising source code when you want to track which fundraising incentives drive the most donations. A fundraising source code also populates other fields based on the source code context details you enter here.

To add a Fundraising Source Code, use the following steps:

  1. Follow the path above.
  2. Click the Add button. The Add–Source Code page opens.
  3. Fill in the fields for the Source section as described in the table below:
    Source CodeRequiredEnter a friendly name for the source code.
    TypeOptionalThis field defaults to Fundraising.
    Eweb CodeOptionalEnter a name that will appear for this code on eWeb.
    start dateOptionalEnter or select a date that this code becomes valid.
    end dateOptionalEnter or select a date that this code becomes invalid.
  4. Choose which fields to associate with your source code in the drop-down lists in the field column. The value you select in the field column determines the values available in the field value column. Once you enter a source code in other places in netFORUM, these source code context details automatically populate.source code context detailssource code context detailst
    FieldField Value Description
    Appeal Keyreturns all Appeals
    Purposereturns all campaign Purposes
    Campaign Keyreturns all campaigns already in netFORUM
    Recognition Codereturns a recognitions in netFORUM
    Fundreturns all Funds already in netFORUM
    Correspondence Templatereturns all templates for email and mail correspondence
    Package Codereturns a list of all packages in netFORUM
    Premium Codereturns a list of all premiums in netFORUM
    recognition customer adr statereturns all the states in the addresses of recognition customers
    recognition customer adr countryreturns all the countries in the addresses of recognition customers
    soft credit typereturns all soft credit types setup in netFORUM this context detail is not relevant for Fundraising source codes
    match programreturns all gift matching programs setup in netFORUM
    Ask Ladderreturns all the ask ladders already configured in netFORUM

    Tip: Select the fields Fund and Premium and select field values for each. Click Save. Now whenever you enter this source code, the fund field and premium field are also populated automatically with your selected field values.

  5. Delete a field by clicking the delete icon beside the field. Click the trash button to delete all the fields.
  6. Add a field by clicking the add button.
  1. Click the Save button to save your changes and return to the Fundraising Setup page. Click the Cancel button to return to the Fundraising Setup page without saving your changes.
