Adding a Fundraising Pledge

A Pledge is a commitment from a donor to pay a specified amount over a set period of time.

Important! Abila recommends you use the easier, consolidated Add Donation Wizard to enter pledges and other donations.

To add a Pledge, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Modules>Fundraising>Pledges>Add Pledge. The Add-Fundraising Pledge page opens.
  2. Use the constituent field to search for the name of the giver in the Customer list.

As you enter information in the search field, a pop-up window with a list of customers with matching information appears. As you continue to add characters in the search field, customers which no longer match the information in the search field are eliminated from the list.

Entering information in a search field then clicking the Look Up button opens a List-Customer page. The customers on this page match the information entered in the search field.

  1. If the pledge is anonymous, select the anonymous checkbox.
  2. In the Source/Fund Code Information section, fill in the fields described in the table below:
    Field NameRequired?Description
    fund codeYesUse the drop-down list to select the fund code.
    campaign codeNoUse the drop-down list to select the campaign code.
    appeal codeNoUse the drop-down list to select the appeal code.
    source codeNoUse this field as described in Use the constituent field to search for the name of the giver in the Customer list. above.
    package codeNoUse the drop-down list to select the package code.
    purpose codeNoUse the drop-down list to select the purpose code.
  1. In the Pledge Information section, fill in the fields described below:
  2. Field Name Required? Description
    tribute honoree No If the pledge has been given in tribute of someone who has been added to the Tributes list, use this field as described in Use the constituent field to search for the name of the giver in the Customer list. above. When this field is filled, other fields may automatically fill with information associated with the Tribute.
    recognition No Use the dropdown list to select a recognition level.
    solicitor No Use this field as described in Use the constituent field to search for the name of the giver in the Customer list. above.
    pledge date No Use the calendar widget to enter the pledge date.
    amount No Enter the amount of the pledge.
    renewable? No Select this checkbox if the pledge is renewable.
    send email confirmation No Select this checkbox if email confirmation will be sent.
    template No Use the drop-down menu to select the template for the confirmation email.
    pledge notes No If desired, enter pledge notes.
    recognize as No If desired, enter alternate recognition.
  3. In the Payment Information section, either select an existing batch from the drop-down menu or click the Add button to add a new batch to the database.The pledge type drop-down list and other fields appear.
  4. Continuing in the Payment Information section, fill in the fields described below:
  5. Field Name Required? Description
    batch Yes Use this field as described in Use the constituent field to search for the name of the giver in the Customer list. above to select the batch.
    pledge type Yes Use the drop-down list to select the pledge type.
    transaction date No This date defaults to the date associated with the batch selected. If desired, use the calendar widget to edit the transaction date.
    payment method Yes Use the drop-down list to select the payment method.
    payment amount N/A Displays the pledge amount entered in the Pledge Information section.
    # of payments Yes Enter the number of payments pledged.
    frequency Yes Use the drop-down list to select the frequency of pledged payments.
    first payment date No Use the calendar widget to enter the first payment date. To enter a Verbal pledge with no payment information, set the first invoice / payment date in the future.

    If you enter a first payment date in the future, and the payment method is an electronic payment method (credit card or ACH), then netFORUM does not charge the card or account until the first payment date.

  6. The right side of the Payment Information form fills with fields based on the payment method chosen: credit card, check, or cash. Fill in the following fields for each type of payment method:

    Credit Card

    Field Name Required? Description
    Cardholder's name Yes Enter the cardholder's name as it appears on the credit card.
    Card number Yes Enter the credit card number.
    Expiration date Yes Use the dropdown list to select the expiration date.
    CVV No Enter the card verification value (CVV) from the credit card.
    CC / check street No This field automatically fills with information from the Constituent Profile. You may edit this information.
    CC / check city No This field automatically fills with information from the Constituent Profile. You may edit this information.
    CC / check state & zip code No This field automatically fills with information from the Constituent Profile. You may edit this information.
    CC / check email No This field automatically fills with information from the Constituent Profile. You may edit this information.


    Field Name Required? Description
    Name on check Yes Enter the name which appears on the check.
    Check number Yes Enter the number of the check.


    Field Name Required? Description
    Reference number No You may record a reference number here.
  7. Click Save. The Fundraising Pledge Profile opens.