
The five standard Group Item Links (Add, Find, List, Run Query, Query Central), are available in the Premium group item.

To access the Premium Group Item links:

  1. Navigate to the Fundraising module.

  2. On the Fundraising Overview page, click the Premium hyperlink.

  3. Premium options in the left navigation bar will appear.

Finding Premiums

Finding a Premium that has been entered into the netFORUM database is easily accomplished. The Find function is universal throughout netFORUM and detailed on the Find topic.

Finding Premiums within the Fundraising module follows the same format and function. You may search by the following:

  • Premium Code
  • Premium Name

The Advanced View checkbox allows you to conduct Boolean searches to broaden and narrow your search as needed. If you are uncertain with what you are looking for, use the netFORUM wildcard character, the percent sign (%) to help you with your search.

Managing Premiums

Navigating to the Premium Profile

The Premium Profile is displayed once you have entered a new Premium into the netFORUM application.

To navigate to and view a specific profile page, use one of the following methods:

  • Click on the Fundraising module from the Module Menu drop-down.
  • On the Group Item menu, click Premium. You can then choose to List Premiums or to Find Premium items.

Depending upon which Premium you choose, its Premium Profile will display.

The Premium Profile

The Premium Profile shows the premium name and taxable amount. Only the taxable amount field can be edited.

Taxable Amount 
the amount of the donation that is NOT tax deductible. This field automatically populates with the full price of the product, but can be edited. (The tax deductible amount is calculated as the gift amount less the value of any material goods or services received.)

The premium selections child form shows:

  • premium name
  • minimum and maximum donation price range that must be contributed before receiving the premium

The related product codes child form shows donations that are eligible to receive the premium and will be automatically populated by the system.

The child form includes the following information:

  • product code associated with the premium
  • product name