Find Purposes

Use Find Purpose to search for Purpose Codes already in your database. Purpose Code information is stored in the database by the fields completed in the Add - Fundraising Purpose Code process. When using the Find – Fundraising Purpose Codes form, you search for a desired Purpose Code using information stored in the database via these fields. Search results viewed on the List – Fundraising Purpose Codes page display in columns, and each column of search results corresponds to a data field. Only a limited, pre-defined set of columns pertaining to Purpose Codes is available to you on the Find – Fundraising Purpose Codes page.

Find Purpose

  1. To search for Purpose Codes already in your association's database, go to Modules>Fundraising> More...>Purposes>Find Purpose. The Find - Fundraising Purpose Codes page opens.
  2. For a more specific search, click the Advanced View check box. Expanded Boolean search options appear for each search criteria field. Use these search options to narrow your search results further.
  3. Click Go. A list of search results displays in the List - Fundraising Purpose Codes page. If only one result comes of the search, the profile page for that result opens.

Note: The more specific you make search criteria, the narrower your results will be. Searching for a Purpose Code beginning with "F" will return more results than searching for a Purpose Code beginning with "Full". Searching for all records with a Purpose Code starting with a "T" will produce more results than searching for Purpose Codestarting with a "T" with a specific Purpose End Date.

Find vs. Query

Most Finds and Queries in netFORUM are run in CRM. The Find page is set up with a pre-defined set of columns (fields) versus a Query which allows you to select from any column in the search Table.

If you are not sure what you are looking for, use the netFORUM wildcard character, the percent sign (%), to help you with your search. This is especially helpful when used in conjunction with the contains option on the Purpose Code field.