Add Tribute
A tribute is a gift that is made in honor or memory of an honoree. After the donation is made, an acknowledgment is sent to the notificant—usually a family member or close friend. Use tributes to designate honorees and funds in advance, and have acknowledgment notices sent to notificants.
To add a Tribute, use the following steps:
- Go to .
- In the Tribute Information section, fill in the following fields:
Note: There are two ways to select an honoree. Choose one:
- Use the honoree field to select an honoree who is in the database. The first name and last name fields will fill automatically.
- Use the first name and last name fields to select an honoree who is not in the database. The honoree's first and last names will be added to the database when the form is saved.
Field Name Required? Description honoree No Use the Look-Up button to choose an honoree from the database. the honoree name in the first name and/or last name fields. If the honoree is not in the database, the first and last names will be added to the database when the form is saved.
first name Yes Enter the honoree's first name. This field will be automatically populated if you choose an honoree who is in the database. If the honoree is not in the database, the first name will be added to the database when the form is saved. last name Yes Enter the honoree's last name. This field will be automatically populated if you choose an honoree who is in the database. If the honoree is not in the database, the last name will be added to the database when the form is saved. recognition type Yes Use the dropdown list to select the recognition type. description No You may enter a description of the tribute. fund No Use the dropdown list to select a related fund.
Note: If a fund is selected for a tribute, that choice overrides any fund previously selected on the Gift form. This is because tributes that are set up with a particular fund in mind restrict contributions made in tribute to that specific fund.
template No Use the dropdown list to choose a template for written acknowledgement. - Use the optional Notificant Information to enter communication information for a notificant. To add a notificant:
- Use the notificant field to search for the name of the notificant in the Individual list.
As you enter information in the search field, a pop-up window with a list of individuals with matching information appears. As you continue to add characters in the search field, individuals which no longer match the information in the search field are eliminated from the list.
Entering information in a search field then clicking the Look-Up button
opens a List - Individual page. The individuals on this page match the information entered in the search field.
- Select a notificant:
- From the pop-up window: Click on the name of the individual who is making the Tribute.
- From the List - Individual Page: Click the arrow next to the individual who is making the Tribute.
- The name of the individual you selected is entered in the notificant field. The address, email, and communication method fields automatically fill with any additional available information.
- Use the internal notes field to record any notes about the tribute.
- Click Save. The Tribute Profile opens.