Find FAQ

This article describes frequently asked questions about Find functionality.

How can I get more fields on the Find page?

See Adding Search Controls on the Wiki for more information.

How can I search on a Date Range?

This cannot be done on a Find page. If you want to find all records with a date in June, then you must write a Query with two conditions:

  • Date >= 06/01/2007
  • Date <= 06/30/2007

Advanced View

Set your Advanced view for basic search user option to yes.

Data Not Appearing

Q. I am doing a find and certain data is not appearing. I know some of those records are in there, but it seems there is a filter on the Find.

A. This could be caused by implicit filters in the List Table setup in the Toolkit. Check with your netFORUM administrator. For example, if you do a Find on individuals, any hide/deleted individuals are automatically filtered out; this is done in the join expression of the List Table.