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Inventory Module


Adding Inventory

You can add inventory for an existing product either through the Warehouse Profile or the Inventory Warehouse Profile.

To reach the Warehouse Profile, begin in the Inventory Module. On the upper menu hover over Warehouse and select either List Warehouse or Find Warehouse.

Find the warehouse that houses the product in question on either the list or through the search option. Select the warehouse to go to the Warehouse Profile screen. At the Warehouse Profile screen, select the Physical Inventory Count.

From the Physical Inventory Count screen you can see a list of all products which are housed in that specific warehouse. Find the product in question and change the New On Hand Quantity field to total quantity amount that you want. For example, if you already have 500 units in the warehouse and want to add 500 more units, you would change the New On Hand Quantity to 1000.

Next enter the unit cost in the Unit Cost field and save.

You have now successfully added inventory to a product via the Warehouse Profile screen.

To add inventory through the Inventory Warehouse Profile, begin at the Inventory Module, hover over Merchandise, and select Find Merchandise. Find the product in question and select to go to the Product_Merchandise Profile. At the Product_Merchandise Profile, hover over the child-form tab and change it to Inventory. Expand the Inventory child-form to show a list of warehouses where the product can be housed. Select the go to icon for the warehouse that you would like to add inventory to.

You are now at the Inventory Warehouse Profile screen. This screen provides information regarding the product within this specific warehouse. To add inventory to the product, select the add icon under the Adjustments child-form. (Note: Any changes made to the inventory through the Warehouse Profile screen will also appear in the Adjustments child-form.)

Enter the quantity amount that you want to add to the inventory in the Adjustment Quantity field. Here, if you already have 500 units and want to add 100 more units, just enter 100 in the Adjustment Quantity field.

After entering a quantity amount in to the Adjustment Quantity field, a Unit Cost field will appear. Enter the unit cost in the Unit Cost field and save.

You have now successfully added inventory through the Inventory Warehouse Profile screen.