Product Type

Product types in netFORUM are usually the types of good or services that your organization will sell to your customer. For example, some baseline product types are Merchandise, Publication, Kits, and Bundles which are documented extensively. Product types can also be associated with Events and Exhibits such as exhibit sponsorships and event fees.

netFORUM also enables you to add your own product types since your organization may have its own types of products that you may want to track in inventory or sell. You can choose to add special conference products, membership dues, or any range of products for example. You do that through the Inventory module and through the product type group icon.

The five standard Group Item Links (Add, Find, List, Run Query, Query Central), are available in the Product Type group item. You can also choose to Add Product Type here as well.


Important! Please do NOT delete product types from netFORUM unless you are absolutely certain you will never need that product type again.

If you delete a Product Type, then it will not be possible to sell any products of that product type. Further, when you add the product type again, you must also update the related system option type again. It is often best to consider product type records in netFORUM as "reserved" internal data.

Adding a Product Type

The netFORUM baseline product types that are available for inventory are extensive. Before you attempt to add a new product type, you should first check that the product type does not already exist by using find or list. If, however, you find that your organization needs to sell and/or inventory a product type that does not currently exist in netFORUM , you can add your own product type that has its own categories. Note that many organizations will also use the Miscellaneous Product product type before adding an entirely new product type to the application. As usual, fields in bold in netFORUM are required.

To add a new product type to netFORUM, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Inventory tab.
  2. On the Group Item menu, click Product Type.
  3. Select Add Product Type from the drop-down menu. The Add - Product Type page displays.
  4. Product Type: The product type is what new type your organization will be selling and adding to your inventory.
  5. Sell Online: This checkbox should be selected if you want items added as part of this type to be able to be sold online.
  6. Online Description: A short description of your new type that will be placed online (if your new type will be available online).
  7. Thumbnail: Used to add a thumbnail image of your new product type.
  8. Discountable: Select this checkbox if the inventory designated as this product type should be discountable.
  9. Order: Used in accounting, the Order field designates the order that product types will be paid on invoicing. Product types with lower order numbers are paid first (in the event of a partial payment) for example.
  10. Exclude from Bundle: If this checkbox is selected, all inventory items designated under this product type will not be able to be added to a bundle product type.

The screenshot above is an example of the Merchandise product type that is a baseline product type in netFORUM.

Finding Product Type Records

Finding product types that have been entered into the netFORUM database is easily accomplished. The Find function is universal throughout netFORUM and detailed on the Find topic.

Finding product types within the Inventory module follows the same format and function. You may search by entering the name of the product type or, if you are uncertain of the full name, by entering the first few letters of the product type name. You may also use the wildcard character of % in netFORUM to help your search.

The Advanced View checkbox allows you to conduct boolean searches to broaden and narrow your search as needed.

Managing Product Type Records

Navigating to the Product Type Profile

The Product Type Profile is displayed once you have entered a new product type into the netFORUM application. If you want to navigate to and view a specific profile page:

  • Click on the Inventory module from the Module Menu drop-down.
  • On the Group Item menu, click Product Type. You can then choose to List Product Types or Find Product Types.
  • You can also choose to click on the Inventory Setup page link from the Inventory content group page which will allow you to add and edit product types as well.

Depending upon which product type you choose, its Product Type Profile page will display.

Product Type Profile

The Product Type Profile page shows the product type, if the products entered under this product type are to be available online, the online descriptions for these product types, the thumbnail images associated with this product type, if the products designated as this type are discountable, and what payment order this type of product is designated under.

There are two child forms that can be accessed from each product type profile page as well under the Info Tab; categories and linked system option. Child forms are accessed by clicking on the various tabs found at the bottom of each profile page.

Child forms are discussed below.

The child form packages containing this product also appears on product profile pages for merchandise, dues, publications, subscriptions, and miscellaneous products. This child form lists any packages that contain that product.

Grandchild Forms

The Product Type child form contains two grandchild forms that you are able to manipulate.

Categories Grandchild Form

This child form enables you to add additional categories to a product type. For example, using a Merchandise product type as an example, the categories of Members Only, Conference Items, and Office Items have been added. This means that when you create a new merchandise product, you will now be able to see these categories in the product category drop-down as you can see in the screenshot below.

This is helpful to keep your inventory organized. It is also very helpful for searching products and inventory in large organizations since you will now be able to filter your products by type. To add additional prices, click the Add Record or button.

For more detailed information on categories, view the Product Category page.

Social Message Grandchild Forms

When you post a message to Facebook or Twitter, you may use the baseline message that comes with implementation of Social Networking or you may choose to customize your own posting messages. You do so by using the product social messages grandchild forms found for each product that posts to social networks which include:

  • Bundles
  • Certifications
  • Events
  • Merchandise

To customize the message that displays when a customer posts to Facebook or Twitter, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Inventory module>Overview page>Inventory Setup.
  2. Click the Product tab > Product types child form

    Expand the folder you want to add the custom social message for the click the add product social message hyperlink.

  3. In the Product Type Social Message window, enter the customized text for each social network you have enabled. Click Save to save your message.

When making a purchase in the Online Store and posting an update to Social Networks, the message you just entered will now be used.