Mailing List

A Mailing List is a collection of Individuals collected for a Messaging Campaign. Mailing Lists are very useful when sending large amounts of e-mails to specific customers or to groups of customers that otherwise would not have anything in common.

For example, in netFORUM, a mailing list may be used to send a monthly newsletter to Individual members, Non-member Individuals, Press, and some Vendors. It would be easy to simply put together a query to send the monthly newsletter to recent membership only. However, it is much more effective to to create a mailing list of disparate groups who share this commonality and interest instead.

The five standard Group Item Links (Add, Find, List, Run Query, Query Central), are available in the Mailing List group item. Also available is the ability to Merge Mailing Lists which is discussed below.

Adding a Mailing List

A Mailing List is a list of names and addresses kept by an organization for the purpose sending correspondence. You can keep track of mailing lists in the Marketing module by assigning the mailing list a name, mailing list type, and description.

You must decide what types of mailing lists your organization will use and define them in Marketing Setup to be used as a means of categorizing each one. For example, you may choose to create a mailing list for administrative purposes, vendors, press, advertisers, and so forth. Not only will this enable categorization, it will allow customers to opt-out of specific types of correspondence should they not want to receive that type in the future should you decide to mirror your mailing type opt-out categories in a similar manner. Those types must be defined in set-up before they will appear in the type drop-down. Once you have created your mailing list types, you are ready to create the mailing list itself.

To add a Mailing List:
  1. Go to the Marketing module.
  2. In the Mailing Lists group item, select the Add Mailing List group item link.

  3. Name: Create a descriptive name for your Mailing List. (Required)
  4. Type: Use the type drop-down to choose a mailing list type that you created in Marketing Setup for the mailing list you are creating. (Required) This will provide a category for your list and provide opt-out options in the future for your customers should you set them up in this manner.
  5. Description: Use the description field to fill in more details that will not fit in the name/type fields.
  6. Seed List: Check the seed list check box if you would like the mailing list to be a seed list. This means that the list will be available in the seed list drop-down field in the future when sending any e-mail communication from netFORUM. This also means that a seed list enables you to override opt-out preferences regardless of what has been previously selected by the customer.
  7. Click Save.

Note: It is much more common to use a Find or Query to decide which individuals are to be added to your mailing list first and then to use the Add Group to Mailing List functionality to create your Mailing List in one step as opposed to creating a blank mailing list and then adding individuals in two steps as demonstrated here. View the section on Adding a Group to a Mailing List for more information.

Adding Individuals to a Mailing List

Once your Mailing List has been created, you are ready to add Individuals. There are three main methods to populating your list with Individuals:

  1. Add Individuals in a Group Using a Find or Query
  2. Add Individuals from the Individual Profile (Correspondence Tab>Mailing List Child Form)
  3. Add Individuals from the Mailing List Profile

Adding a Group of Individuals to a Mailing List Using a Find or Query

The add group to mailing list icon appears on the List (search results) page. This mailing list icon allows you to add a group of names and addresses from the List page to a mailing list when you use the Find or Query functions in netFORUM. This is the easiest way to add several records at once to a newly created Mailing List.

NOTE: This is a one-time copy from a query into a mailing list, not a link to the query. If the results of a query change after being added to a mailing list, the mailing list would not be updated.

To add a group of people to a mailing list:
  1. Create the list of individuals that you want to include in your mailing list.
  2. On the List - Individuals page, in the upper right corner of the List page, click the Add Group to Mailing List icon.
  3. In the Add Group to Mailing List window, select a mailing list you previously created in the drop-down field or click the Add button to create a new mailing list.
  4. Select a start date and end date if this list should expire.
  5. Click Save.

Adding Individuals to a Mailing List from the Individual Profile

You may also add individuals to a mailing list from their Individual Profiles. The Correspondence Tab contains a Mailing Lists child form that you may use to do so.

Click the Add button to add a new Individual to the Mailing List. The Add List Member window appears.

Enter the last name then first name with no comma of the Individual you want to add or click the Lookup button to conduct a search.

If you want the Individual to only remain on the list for a specified period of time, enter the Start and End date. The Individual will be removed from the mailing list after the End date if this is specified.

Enter a description for the Individual, if needed.

Fill out the Contact Information section by specifying the communication preference drop-down and adding address, phone, fax, e-mail, and URL information.

Note that if these items do NOT appear in the drop-down fields that they were not originally specified in the customer record. You may choose at this time to add more information (or change it) by selecting the Add button and modifying the record. However, if you modify information here, it WILL be changed within CRM as well and on the original customer record!

Adding Individuals to a Mailing List from the Mailing List Profile

When you create a mailing list, a Mailing List Profile is created. Using the List Members Child Form on the Mailing List Profile, you may add an Individual to the Mailing List.

Click the Add button to add a new Individual to the Mailing List. The Add List Member window appears.

Enter the last name then first name with no comma of the Individual you want to add or click the Lookup button to conduct a search.

If you want the Individual to only remain on the list for a specified period of time, enter the Start and End date. The Individual will be removed from the list after the End date if this is entered.

Enter a description for the Individual, if needed.

Fill out the Contact Information section by specifying the communication preference drop-down and adding address, phone, fax, e-mail, and URL information.

Note that if these items do NOT appear in the drop-down fields that they were not originally specified in the customer record. You may choose at this time to add more information (or change it) by selecting the Add button and modifying the record. However, if you modify information here, it WILL be changed within CRM as well, on the original customer record!

Excluding Individuals from a Mailing List

The mailing list exclusion feature allows you to exclude selected names from a mailing list.

To Add a Mailing List Exclusion:

1. Go to the Marketing module.

2. On the exclude list child form, click the Add button. The Add - Mailing List Exclude page displays.

3. Select a sort name (Last Name, First Name) that you want to exclude from the mailing.

4. Click Save.

Importing a Mailing List with the Import Wizard

You can import a mailing list into the database using the List Import Wizard. The Import Wizard is accessed through the Marketing Overview page by clicking on the Import Lists link under the Manage Mailing Lists icon.

For complete step-by-step instructions on using the Import Wizard, view the topic on Importing a Prospect List. The same steps apply for Mailing Lists.

Finding a Mailing List

Finding a mailing list that has been created is easily accomplished. The Find function is universal throughout netFORUM and detailed on the Find topic.

Finding a mailing list within the Marketing module follows the same format and function. You may search by the following:

  • Mailing List Name
  • Mailing List Description
  • Mailing List Type Code

The Advanced View checkbox allows you to conduct Boolean searches to broaden and narrow your search as needed. If you are uncertain with what you are looking for, use the netFORUM wildcard character, the percent sign (%) to help you with your search.

Managing Mailing Lists

Navigating to the Mailing List Profile

The Mailing List Profile is displayed once you have created a new mailing list in the netFORUM application. If you want to navigate to and view a specific profile page:

  • Click on the Marketing module from the Module Menu drop-down.
  • On the Group Item menu, click Mailing Lists. You can then choose to List Mailing Lists or to Find a Mailing List.
  • You can also choose to click on the Manage Mailing Lists link from the Marketing content group page.

Depending upon which list you choose, its Mailing List Profile will display.

The Mailing List Profile

The Mailing List Profile displays the mailing list name, type, and any description that was entered upon its creation. It also specifies if it is a seeded list. When you select the seed list check box, this means that the mailing list has been designated as a seed list and is now available in the seed list drop down when future communications are sent with all mailing lists. If the mailing list is selected in the drop-down it means that all recipients on the mailing list will receive the communication regardless of an opt-out preferences that have been set. Seed lists are generally created for testing purposes or for certain groups of people that always need to be sent notifications such as Staff Members. Notice in the example above that you are warned that a mailing list has been designated as a seed list when it is created.

On the mailing list Actions Bar, you are able to communicate with members of the mailing list by clicking the communicate icon which is discussed in more detail below. If you want to edit the set-up of your mailing list, including the name, type, description, and seeding, click the Edit button.

Finally, the mailing list contains one child for; the list members child form. This child form is discussed in more detail below.

List Members Child Form

The List Members Child Form is where you will find all Individuals that are on your mailing list.

It is also where you may add new Individuals to your mailing list if you choose as described below in the Adding Individuals to a Mailing List from the Mailing List Profile section. The Individual's Sort Name, Full Name, Organization (if applicable), and Start and End Dates are found. You may edit the details of the Individual by clicking on the pencil or edit button. Note that any changes you make here to an Individual are also reflected in CRM on the Individual Profile.

Editing an Individual's Communication Preference

A communication preference is an Individual's preferred method of receiving information (e.g., e-mail, phone, fax, or mail). You may edit an Individual's communication preferences from the Mailing List Profile.

To Edit an Individual's Communication Preference from the Mailing List Profile:

1. Go to the Mailing List Profile.

2. Click the Edit button next to the Individual's name you whose communication preference you would like to change.

3. Select his/her communication preference in the drop-down. Click Save.

Note: Clicking the Hide/Disable Record check box will exclude this individual from any Call to Action where this mailing list is used.

Merging Mailing Lists

You may decide that you need to merge two previously created mailing lists into a single new mailing list.

To merge mailing lists:
  1. Go to the Marketing module.
  2. Click Merge Mailing Lists from the drop-down menu.
  3. The Mailing List Merge screen will display.
  4. Enter a name for your new list in the New List Name: field.
  5. Choose the first list to merge in the First List drop-down.
  6. Choose the second list to merge in the Second List drop-down.
  7. Click the Merge button. The two mailing lists will be combined into your new Mailing List. You may modify the properties of the new mailing list on the mailing list profile screen if desired.

Communicating with a Mailing List

Once you have your Mailing List created and all Individuals added, you are ready to begin communicating with the list. This is accomplished through the communicate icon found on the Actions Bar.

Click the communicate icon when you are ready to begin sending messages to your mailing list. The Send Mailing List Correspondence window will appear. Complete the fields in this window to communicate with each of your mailing lists.

  1. Description: This field is used to enter a description for the correspondence you are going to send if needed.
  2. Communicate Using: Use this drop-down to specify a communication method. You have three choices as follows:
    • User Preferences: The communication will be sent based upon the Individual's contact preferences where applicable (e-mail or fax).
    • E-Mail: The communication will be sent via e-mail.
    • Fax: The communication will be sent via fax.
  3. Mailing Type: Mail types are defined in Marketing Setup and are used to categorize your correspondence and provide opt-out options for your customers if you specify them similar to the mailing type opt-out categories. You may create categories for Advertisements, Administrative, Newsletters, and so forth. In this manner, a customer may choose to receive marketing correspondence but opt-out of advertisements, for example.
  4. Seed List: When you create a mailing list, you specify whether or not it is a seed list which means it overrides all opt-out settings defined by a user. It will also allow it to be selected in the seed list drop down here for additional correspondence if desired. For example, you might use a different mailing list other than the newsletter mailing list we are currently using for this example in your seed list drop-down and that seed list would also receive this particular communication.
  5. From and Reply To: These fields are used to specify who the communication is coming from and who people may respond to (if desired) once the communication has been received. If you want to to specify different user names than your own here, these are set-up on your user record in the e-mail alias child form.
  6. CC and BCC: Use the CC and BCC fields carefully. For each recipient on the mailing list, the CC and BCC specified receives a copy for every e-mail sent. This means that if you have 1000 Individuals on your list and 1000 e-mails are sent, the CC and BCC will receive 1000 copies.
  7. Template: If you have a specific template you want to use for your communication, select it in the template drop-down. You may preview it as well, using the preview link.
  8. Subject: The subject field is the subject line that will appear in your e-mail or fax.
  9. File to Attach: Use the Browse button to search for a document to attach and, once found, the Attach button to upload it. It will then appear in the attachment(s): section. If you change your mind, use the Remove button to remove it from your communication.
  10. Available Fields: The available fields drop-down contains a list of parsed values in netFORUM that are used to create messages that can be sent to many people with netFORUM replacing the field values with actual values when the message is sent. For example, below is a short sample of a message used with parsed fields copied from the Available Fields form when needed for the message. Dear {cst_ind_full_name_dn},Coming in July, NATW will be bringing you the latest technical communication industry news with the NATW contextual tech monthly newsletter! Make sure that {cst_org_name_dn} is fully informed of all the latest trends, techniques, and authors with the latest NATW newsletter delivered straight to your {cst_pref_comm_meth}. Remember, all the news you need for the technical communication world begins in July! The NATW TeamNotice below how the fields are replaced with key values from netFORUM with the actual Individual values from each Individual's profile who are each on the mailing list when the e-mail is sent: Dear Tammy Butcher,Coming in July, NATW will be bringing you the latest technical communication industry news with the NATW contextual tech monthly newsletter! Make sure that Abila is fully informed of all the latest trends, techniques, and authors with the latest NATW newsletter delivered straight to your email. Remember, all the news you need for the technical communication world begins in July! The NATW Team{cst_ind_full_name_dn} is replaced with the customer's full name, {cst_org_name_dn} is replaced with the customer's organization name, and so forth. This is how a mailing list is used to customize communication for each Individual on the list using one message.
  11. The HTML and Plain Text templates are used to enter the communication templates described above. The HTML template accepts all HTML tag structures whereas those customers that cannot accept HTML e-mail will receive the plain text version.
  12. Password: Enter the password you use in the BlastEmailAccessCode system option.
  13. Send Test Message: Enter an e-mail address to send a test message first (recommended) before you send out your communication. You can test both your HTML message and your plain text messages.
  14. Finally, click the Send Test Message button when sending your test messages and the Send Messages Now! button when you are ready to send your final communication.