Messaging Engine

This topic describes how to install and use the netFORUM Messaging Engine. The Messaging Engine is used to send email messages from netFORUM to the mailing lists defined in the system. One example of this function would be a Call to Action marketing campaign.

Installation Instructions

Use the following steps to install the messaging engine:

1. Extract the netFORUM distribution files from the zip file. If you extract into c:\netForumDistro, then the messaging engine files should be extracted to c:\netForumDistro\netForumMessagingEngine

2. Create a folder for the messaging engine on the target server. For example, c:\netForumMessagingEngine1.

3. Use the xcopy program the files in c:\netForumDistro\netForumMessagingEngine to c:\netForumMessagingEngine1. For example

  • c:
  • cd\
  • cd \netForumDistro\netForumMessagingEngine
  • xcopy *.* c:\netForumMessagingEngine1 /y /r

4. The following command line syntax is used to install the messaging engine: netForumMessagingCE.exe /install <UniqueServiceName> <domain\login> <password>. The command line parameters must be passed in the correct order. The messaging engine must be installed to run under a windows account that has appropriate permissions to log on as a service as well as trusted access to the SQL Server on which netFORUM is installed. Do not use spaces or special characters in any of the command line parameters. For example, if the domain is HQ, the login name is jsmith and the password is netFORUM2005, the following command line would be used to install the netForumMessagingEngine1 instance of the messaging engine:

  • netForumMessagingCE.exe /install netForumMessagingEngine1 HQ\jsmith netFORUM2005

5. Open Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services and make sure the netForumMessagingEngine1 service is visible. The service can now be started or configured to start automatically when Windows starts. By

6. Review the configuration file ( netForumMessagingCE.exe.config )to make sure the settings are correct. If changes are made, the service should be restarted from control panel. By default the service will be configured to start manually.

7. To install a second instance repeat the steps starting with Step 2 but create a different folder and also specify a different unique service name in step 4.

Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade an existing instance of the messaging engine, stop the windows service and then use the xcopy program to copy the new versions of the messaging engine files over the old. It is then recommended that the windows service be restarted.

For example, if the new version of the messaging engine files are extracted to c:\netForumDistro\netForumMessagingEngine and an existing instance is installed in c:\netForumMessagingEngine, you would execute the following commands to upgrade the instance:

  • c:
  • cd \
  • cd \netForumDistro\netForumMessagingEngine
  • xcopy *.* d:\netForumMessagingEngine /y /r

Uninstallation Instructions

To uninstall an instance of the messaging engine, run the following command from the installation folder:

netForumMessagingCE.exe /uninstall <UniqueServiceName> <domain\login> <password>

For example, to uninstall the instance of the messaging engine created above, use the following commands:

  • c:
  • cd\
  • cd \netForumMessagingEngine1
  • netForumMessagingCE.exe /uninstall netForumMessagingEngine1 HQ\jsmith Avectra2005

To Get Email Count for Not Sent:

SELECT count&#40;*&#41; FROM co_call2action_detail  &#40;NOLOCK&#41; JOIN co_call2action  &#40;NOLOCK&#41; ON acd_status= 'initial' AND acd_act_key=act_key AND act_key= '' SELECT Messaging Job SELECT msj_status, * FROM mq_messaging_job &#40;NOLOCK&#41; WHERE msj_key = ''

How to Restart Jobs

When a job stops in the middle of sending the messages and flips to 'completed' you can restart it by switching it to 'pending'. This will enable you to send the rest of the emails to the customers who have not yet received the email.

UPDATE mq_messaging_job SET msj_status = 'Pending' WHERE msj_status = 'Processing'

Use this script when messaging engine is stuck on pending and engine process has not stopped in services. Before running the script, stop the messaging engine service in 'services' on the web server (start/administrative tools/services). It should look something similar to netforummessagingclientCE. Run the script, and then turn the messaging engine process back on. Hit refresh until the job changes from pending to processing. Sends will pick up where it left off.