
A Survey is a set of questions that is used to collect data about a group. When you add a survey in netFORUM , you select the survey type, purpose, dates it will be available, and point-of-contact for the survey (where the results will go). This creates the Survey Profile. From the Survey Profile, you can add survey questions and responses.

Before you begin, you must set up the drop-down lists that are used when you create surveys.

The five standard Group Item Links (Add, Find, List, Run Query, Query Central), are available in the Survey group item.

Adding a Survey

To add a Survey:

  1. Go to the Marketing Module.
  2. In the Survey group item, select the Add Survey group item link. The Add - Survey page displays.
  3. Survey Name: Enter a descriptive Survey Name. This is a required field.
  4. Survey Type: Select a survey type from the drop-down field. Survey types are defined in Marketing Setup and are used to categorize the various surveys you may choose to create such as Administrative, Marketing, Membership, and so forth.
  5. Survey Description: Used to provide more detail about your survey if needed.
  6. Survey Purpose: Used to provide the goals of your survey.
  7. From/Through Dates: Used to specify how long your survey will be available. This also means that your survey will only collect responses during this time.
  8. Show on Web: This check box should be selected if you want your survey to also be available on the Web.
  9. Click the multiple responses check box if you would like survey takers to have the option of participating in the survey more than once.
  10. Note: Leaving the multiple responses check box unchecked will cause the survey to be no longer visible to a user on eWeb once they have completed the survey.

  11. Point of Contact: The person responsible for answering questions about the survey and who also collects the responses generally.
  12. Click Save to add your survey.

Enabling a Survey to Appear on eWeb

To enable a survey to appear on eWeb, do the following.

  1. Create a survey in iWeb and select the show online checkbox.
  2. To create a web hyperlink that will take the user directly to an eWeb page where they can respond to the survey, create a hyperlink in the form below:

    You will need to substitute in some values specific to your site, survey and customers:

    • The value of Site is the Web Site key of your site.
    • The value of srr_cst_key must be the Customer Key of the individual (not the 00000's as shown in the sample above). If you are trying to create this link in a Correspondence Template, then you'll need to ensure that you use a value for the cst_key that can be parsed.
    • The value for srr_srh_key is the primary key of the particular survey (not the 00000's as shown in the sample above). You can get the value of this key by navigating to the survey page in iWeb and copying the value of the Key URL querystring parameter and then paste it into your URL.

    Note: Note that a customer can take a survey only once. If they navigate to the survey page of a survey they've already completed, they won't be able to fill it out again.

    You could also let a user go to the survey list page, on which the user can choose their survey from the list of online surveys. To create a link for this page, construct it like this:

  3. Deploy the Survey Response Page (described below at #Survey Response Page) from the eWebPlus site to the Web Site in which you want the survey page to be accessed.

Finding a Survey

Finding a survey that has been created is easily accomplished. The Find function is universal throughout netFORUM and detailed on the Find topic.

Finding a survey within the Marketing module follows the same format and function. You may search by the following:

  • Survey Name
  • Description
  • Purpose
  • From Date
  • Through Date

The Advanced View checkbox allows you to conduct Boolean searches to broaden and narrow your search as needed. If you are uncertain with what you are looking for, use the netFORUM wildcard character, the percent sign (%) to help you with your search.

Navigating to the Survey Profile

The Survey Profile is displayed once you have created a new survey in the netFORUM application. If you want to navigate to and view a specific profile page:

  • Click on the Marketing module from the Module Menu drop-down.
  • On the Group Item menu, click Surveys. You can then choose to List Surveys or to Find a Survey.

Depending upon which survey you choose, its Survey Profile will display.

The Survey Profile

Adding a survey creates the Survey Profile. The Survey Profile page details the survey type, the survey purpose and description, survey dates, and the survey point-of-contact. If the survey is available online it is also noted. If you need to make any changes to how your survey is set-up, click the Edit button.

The Survey Profile contains two child forms where you may add questions and enter the survey responses; the group questions child form and the survey responses child form. Both are discussed in more detail below.

Note: In version 2014, two fields were removed from the Values section: update demographic field and lookup table. These fields were disabled in metadata and are no longer used.

Tip: The best way to view your survey before porting it to eWeb is to leave the show online check box unchecked when creating it, enter all your questions, and then view the questions by attempting to add a survey response. This is the best way to test how your survey will appear online before you actually enable it by selecting the show online check box.

Adding Survey Questions and Responses

For information about how to create and manage survey questions, see Setting up Survey Questions.

Entering Survey Responses

Survey responses are received via completed surveys that have been returned to the sender, normally through eWeb. Track survey responses by survey name, tracking number, customer name, response status, and date. Enter response data on the survey response child form on the Survey Profile for surveys that are not distributed through eWeb and returned automatically, such as phone surveys, customer interviews, and so forth.

  1. Navigate to the Survey Profile.
  2. Click the Add button on the survey response child form. The Add—Survey Response form displays. The survey response child form enables you to add survey response data for each respondent. Fields available on the Add—Survey Response* form differ depending on the questions created for the survey.

    Note: The survey response form sections and fields are arranged according to the group order you specified when setting up the questions and groups in the group questions child form.

  3. The survey name automatically displays at the top of the form. Select the customer name whose survey data you want to enter.
  4. Enter a response date.
  5. Select a survey response status. Add status options to this drop-down field (for example, complete, incomplete, pending, etc.) in Marketing Setup.
  6. Enter a tracking number if you want to be able to track each response via a tracking number.
  7. Click Save.

The new response appears in the survey response child form. An individual's responses to surveys can be viewed from the Misc child form tab of the Individual Profile page, on the surveys child form.

Important! Once a survey response is logged, either via eWeb or via the survey response child form, survey questions are locked and no further questions can be added to the survey.


Required Questions

Q. If I try to respond to a survey and don't answer any questions, I get an error message, Please answer the Survey Questions. What should I do?

A. While surveys don't have any required questions per se, at least one answer to any question must be provided for a survey to save. Therefore, structure your surveys so that the user must respond to at least one question in some manner. For example, if you have a question that offers the survey taker a choice between five cities, include a sixth option for none of the above.