Query Template References

Query Template References when you want to find and update all the templates referenced by Events, Calls to Action, or another area in netFORUM.

You can Query correspondence template references by Correspondence Template Key, Referencing Table, Referencing Column, Referencing Key, Referencing Code, and Referencing Type. In the example procedure below, you query for all correspondence template references of Referencing Type Event.

The following procedure gives you a list of all the templates that are referenced by any events:

  1. Go to Modules>Marketing> Templates> Query Correspondence Template. The Query – Correspondence Template page opens.
  2. Under Column to Query, select Correspondence Template References::Referencing Type.
  3. Under Operator, select Begins With.
  4. Under Value, enter Event.
  5. Your query should look like this:(Correspondence Template References::Referencing Type) Begins With (Event)
  6. Click the Create SQL button to create the SQL.
  7. Click the Run Query button to run your query. The List – Correspondence Template page opens with your query results.
  8. Click the Correspondence Code to go to the Profile page for that Correspondence Template.
  9. Open the References child form to see each specific Event that references this template.