Member Confirmation Emails
These system options can send Correspondence Template emails to Members based on certain events.
New Member is added:
- NewMemberConfirmationTemplateGuid
- NewMemberSendConfirmationEnabled - must be set to true
Existing member is renewed:
- RenewMemberConfirmationTemplateGuid
- RenewMemberSendConfirmationEnabled - must be set to true
Implementation Tasks
The default settings for NewMemberSendConfirmationEnabled and RenewMemberSendConfirmationEnabled are false, which means no email will be sent out. If you want to evaluate this feature, then you need to make sure that you either create new customers with test email addresses or use an existing customer but make sure to use a test email address. Otherwise the real-life member or customer will receive emails through testing, which you do not want to happen.
You will need to develop Correspondence Templates, determine the GUID value, and plug these into the system options so netFORUM will sent the appropriate email to the member.