Moves Stage Assignments
The Moves Stage Assignments are the actions taken on individuals in a particular stage. There can be a single assignment per stage, or multiple assignments. Normally, in order to progress from one stage to another, individuals must have their assignments completed (unless the stage is purely date driven.)
Creating the Moves Stage Assignments
Before creating Moves Stage Assignments, the Stage first must have a Moves Stage Assignment Group.
To create a Moves Stage Assignment, complete the following steps:
- From the Moves Stage profile, mouse over the More tab to expand the More fly-out menu.
- Click the Setup link. This will open the Setup tab and display the Setup child forms.
- Click the Add
icon located on the moves stage assignments child form.
This will open the Add - Moves Stage Assignment pop-up window.
- Expand the assignment template drop-down menu and select the assignment template to be used for this stage.
An assignment template is the actual assignment to be performed on an individual in a Moves Series.
- Enter the percentage amount you expect the completion of this assignment to increase (or decrease) the chances of success for this Moves Series in the probability increase/decrease field.
- Click the Save button.
The Moves Stage Assignment is not added to the Moves Stage and is visible on the moves stage assignments child form.
Adding a New Assignment Template
If no assignment template exists for this Moves Stage, or if you wish to create a new one, click the Add icon next to the assignment template drop-down menu.
To add a new Assignment Template, complete the following steps:
- Click the Add
icon next to the assignment template drop-down menu.
- Enter the name for the assignment template in the assignment field.
- Enter a short description of the assignment template in the assignment description field.
- If this assignment template is only going to be performed on certain individuals in the Moves Stage that meet certain criteria, you can select the appropriate selection query from the selection query drop-down menu.
Clicking the Add
icon will allow you to add a new selection query. Clicking the Edit
icon will allow you to edit the selected selection query.
Visit the query page for information on creating and editing queries.
- Expand the assignee drop-down menu and select the individual who will be given this assignment.
- Expand the assignment role drop-down menu and select the appropriate role the individual will play in this assignment template. Assignment roles are created by clicking the Customer Request Setup link on the CRM Overview page.
- Expand the assignment activity type drop-down menu and select that type of activity this assignment is.
- Expand the assignment status and select the status for this assignment (very often, this will be "open".)
- Expand the assignment priority drop-down menu and give this assignment a priority setting.
- Enter the number of days out from the assignment creation date when to remind the assignee about this assignment in the remind days out field.
- Enter the number of days out from the assignment creation date when this assignment is due in the due days out field.
- Enter a short description of the assignment in the assignment summary field.
- If you would like to expand on the assignment summary, you may enter more detail in the assignment detail field.
- Click the Save button.
You will be taken back to the Add - Moves Stage Assignment form and the newly added assignment template will be selected in the assignment template drop-down menu.
Editing an Assignment Template
You can make changes to an existing assignment template by selecting it from the assignment template drop-down menu and clicking the Edit icon. This will open the Edit - Assignment Template pop-up window where you can make the necessary changes.