Deferral Revenue Recognized Report

This report is typically run after the Revenue Recognition Process is run as part of period end processes. It is possible that revenue is recognized multiple times during the period. Also, for issue based subscriptions, the revenue gets recognized during issue fulfillment. This report summarizes all such recognition transactions created during the period.

Report Parameters

Selected report parameter information displays below the title of the report.

Parameter Name Required Description
Business Unit Required

Choose the specified business unit you want to run this report on from the drop-down list.

Fiscal Year Status Required Choose the specified fiscal year status you want to run this report on from the drop-down list.
Fiscal Year Required

Choose the specified fiscal year you want to run this report on from the drop-down list.

Period Required Choose the specified period you want to run this report on from the drop-down list.
Product Type Optional Select a product type from the drop-down list.
Exceptions Only? Optional For future use.
Summary/Detail Required Summary mode suppresses the invoice information and shows only the summary for deferred account.
Include Frequency? Optional For future use.

Report Fields

This report can produce output in a browser window (HTML) or PDF containing the following information:

Column Name Description
Def Rev Acct.

Details: Lists the deferred revenue account by customer

Summary: Lists the deferred revenue account.

Revenue Acct.

Details: Lists the revenue account by invoice and product name.

Summary: Lists the revenue account.

Deferral Period

Details: Lists the deferral period start and end dates, original amount, and the beginning balance.

Summary: This field does not display.

Current Period Activity Details and Summary: Lists the current period activity sales, canceled sales, amount of revenue to be recognized, and the ending balance.
Total and Business Unit Total Lists the relevant totals for each category.