Open Credits Report

This report provides detail of all open credits i.e. credits that have not been fully applied to invoices and have credit balance. When a credit is applied to an invoice, netForum creates a payment record for the amount applied and the sum of such payment amounts represents the amount used from the credit. The report shows all credits that have unused amount. If a credit is voided, it is not considered as open and not included in this report. This report shows ALL open credits (regardless of business unit) within a given credit transaction date range.

Report Parameters

Selected report parameter information displays below the title of the report.

Note: Credits with a transaction date within the From and To Dates are shown. If the parameters are left blank, the report will show all open credits.

Parameter Name Required Description
Date From Optional

Choose the specified date from you want to run this report on from the date text box.

Date To Optional Choose the specified date to you want to run this report on from the date text box.
Product Type Usage Optional Choose the specified product type usage you want to run this report on from the drop-down list.

Report Fields

This report can produce output in a browser window (HTML) containing the following information:

Column Name Description
Customer Name

Lists the customer name.

Batch Name

Lists the name of the batch.

Transaction Notes

Lists the any related notes.

Product Type Usage Lists if the credit is marked to be used for a specific Product Type.
Required Lists whether or not the credit can only be used for the specific Product Type (Yes/No).
Credit Date Lists the credit date.
Debit Lists the debit General Ledger account.
Credit Lists the credit General Ledger account.
Amount Available Lists the credit amount available.
Transaction Description Lists the open credit transaction description.