Report Execution Statistics

Pulls data on counts of Report executions, most recent executions, and each execution instance.

This report pulls usage from the md_page_access table, which is regularly archived and/or truncated, so be aware that this report will reach back only as far as there is data in this table.

Report Parameters

Selected report parameter information displays below the title of the report.

Parameter Name Required Description
Start Date Required

Choose the specified start date you want to run this report on from the date text box.

End Date Required

Choose the specified end date you want to run this report on from the date text box.

Report Optional

Choose the specified report you want to run this report on from the drop-down list.

Report Counts Column Group Required

Choose the column group you want to run for report from the drop-down list: Month, Quarter, or Year.

Report Fields

This report can produce output in a browser window (HTML) or Excel spreadsheet containing the following information:

Column Name Description

Lists the name of the report.


Lists the name of the user who accessed the report.

Column Groups

Lists the report results grouped by the parameter selected.


Lists the total number of times the report was accessed by user and report.