Event Financial Detail Report

This report provides financial payment details for event registrants.

Report Parameters

Selected report parameter information displays below the title of the report.

Parameter Name Required Description
Event Required Choose the event you want to run this report on from the drop down list.
Registration Date From Optional

Select the start date for registrations to be included in the report. For example, if you have tiered registrations based on date, you might select the date range for one of the tiers.

Registration Date To Optional Select the start date for registrations to be included in the report. For example, if you have tiered registrations based on date, you might select the date range for one of the tiers.

Report Fields

This report can produce output both in a browser window (HTML) and as an Excel spreadsheet containing the following information:

Column Name Description

Name of the Registrant


Name of the Registrant's Organization

Address Line 1

Street number and name

Address Line 2

Any other address info

Address Line 3

Any other address info


City Name


Two-letter abbreviation for state


The five- or nine-digit postal code for the area


The name of the country

Phone The 10-digit phone number including area code
Fax The 10-digit fax number including area code
Email Registrant's email address
Group Registration? Displays a "Y" if it is a group registration. Displays a "N" if it is not a group registration.
Invoice Code The six-digit code for the invoice in netFORUM
Invoice Date The date the invoice was created in netFORUM
Fee Name netFORUM's name for this specific fee
Quantity Sold Number of fees billed
Business Unit Name of the business unit that will profit from this sale
Price Total dollar amount billed
Total Amount

Total dollar amount billed for the fee

Note: This includes all fees billed, both paid and owed.

Amount of Latest Payment Total dollar amount most recently paid toward the fee
Date of Latest Payment Date of the most recent payment
Source of Latest Payment Source or method of the most recent payment
Balance Dollar amount left to be paid


Q: What if the Total Amount of Event Financial Detail / Summary Report doesn't match the Actual Revenue in the Event Revenue Summary report?

A: Please remember that the Event Financial Detail / Summary Report and the Event Revenue Summary Report are not copies of each other. Following is a list of some attribute of the sale that the Event Revenue Summary Report considers that the Event Financial Detail / Summary Report does not:

  • Cancellations
  • Cancellation Fees
  • Credits / Refunds
  • Discounts
  • Returns

Also note the very specific differences between the two columns:

  • Total Amount: Total dollar amount billed for the fee. This includes all fees billed, both paid and owed.
  • Actual Revenue: Lists the ultimate result of Actual Sales through Actual Revenue: Actual Sales - [(# of Cancels X Cancellation Fees) + Credit /Refund Amount + Discount Amount] = Actual Revenue