Registrant Profile Report

This report lists all information related to a registrant.

Report Parameters

Selected report parameter information displays below the title of the report.

Parameter Name Required Description
Event Required Choose the specified event you want to run this report on from the drop down list.
Registrant Data Optional When checked, includes registrant data.
Sessions Optional When checked, includes sessions.
Session From Date Optional

Choose the specified session from date you want to run this report on from the date text box.

Session To Date Optional Choose the specified session to date you want to run this report on from the date text box.
Include Cancelled Sessions Optional When checked, includes cancelled sessions.
Tracks Optional When checked, includes tracks.
Include Cancelled Tracks Optional When checked, includes cancelled tracks.
Financial Optional When checked, includes financial information.
Financial From Date Optional

Choose the specified financial from date you want to run this report on from the date text box.

Financial To Date Optional Choose the specified financial to date you want to run this report on from the date text box.
Only Closed Invoices Optional When checked, includes only closed invoices.
Housing Optional When checked, includes housing information.
Ribbons Optional When checked, includes ribbon information.
Sponsors Optional When checked, includes sponsor information.
Include Cancelled Sponsors Optional When checked, includes cancelled sponsor information.
Faculty Optional When checked, includes faculty information.

Report Fields

This report can produce output in a browser window (HTML) or as a PDF containing the following information:

Column Name Description
Registrant Data

Lists registrant data for: Event, Organization, Registration Type, Address, Phone, Fax, Email, Url, and Pre Comm Method.


Lists session information for: Type, Session Name, Start Date, Start Time, End Date, and End Time.


Lists track information for: Type and Track Name.


Lists financial information for: Date, Invoice#, Batch Code and Price.


Lists housing information for: Location, Date, Rood Id, and Room No.


Lists ribbon information for: Ribbon Code and Color.


Lists sponsor information for: Sponsor Type and Sponsor.


Lists faculty information for: Staff Type and Duty, Speaker Type and Status, and Volunteer Type and Region.