Giving Trends Analysis Report

To provide gift data for future use in a merge document.

Report Parameters

Selected report parameter information displays below the title of the report.

Parameter Name Required Description
Campaign Optional Choose the specified campaign you want to run this report on from the drop down list.
Fund Optional Choose the specified fund you want to run this report on from the drop down list.
Appeal Optional Choose the specified appeal you want to run this report on from the drop down list.
Package Optional Choose the specified package you want to run this report on from the drop down list.
Product Optional Choose the specified product you want to run this report on from the drop down list.
Grouping Required Choose the specified grouping you want to run this report on from the drop down list.
Time Segment Required Choose the specified time segment you want to run this report on from the drop down list.
Number of Previous Segment Required Choose the specified number of previous segments you want to run this report on from the drop down list.

Report Fields

This report can produce output in a browser window (HTML) containing the following information:

Column Name Description
Sum Of Gifts

Lists the sum total of gifts by fund and year.

Max Of Gifts

Lists the total maximum gift by year.

Count Of Gifts

Lists the count total of gifts by fund and year.