Inventory Audit Report

This report lists all products in all warehouses with their quantities available with other calculated quantities.

Report Parameters

Selected report parameter information displays below the title of the report.

Parameter Name Required Description



Report Fields

This report can produce output in a browser window (HTML) containing the following information:

Column Name Description
Product Name

Lists the product name.

Quantity on Hand

Lists the quantity on hand.

Inv Qty Available

Lists the quantity available in inventory.

Quantity Received

Lists the quantity received into inventory.

Cogged Quantity

Lists the cost of good sold quantity.

Quantity Filled

Lists the quantity filled.

Quantity Returned

Lists the quantity returned to inventory.

Adjusted Negative

Lists the adjusted negative amount.

Adjusted Positive

Lists the adjusted positive amount.

Kit Quantity

Lists the kit quantity amount.

Warehouse Calculated

Lists the warehouse calculated amount.

Warehouse Difference

Lists the warehouse difference amount.

Inventory Calculated

Lists the inventory calculated amount.

Inventory Difference

Lists the inventory difference amount.