Associations with Member Type Report

This report lists a summary of all member types with related information.

Report Parameters

Selected report parameter information displays below the title of the report.

Parameter Name Required Description
Association Optional Choose the specified association you want to run this report on from the drop-down list.

Report Fields

This report can produce output in a browser window (HTML) containing the following information:

Column Name Description

Lists the association name.

Member Type

Lists the member type.

Start Day

Lists the membership start day.

Start Month

Lists the membership start month.

Sell Next Year After Month/Day

Lists the sell next year after month and day.

Grace Period/Length

Lists the grace period and length.

Update Exp Date when

Lists the when to update the expiration date.

Upon Percentage Paid (If Applicable)

Lists the upon percentage paid to update expiration date.

Benefits Flow Down?

Lists benefits flow down status.

Voting Rights?

Lists voting rights status.

Invoice Type

Lists the invoice type.

Member Status(es)

Lists member status(es).

Flip Membership?

Lists membership flip status.

Set On Paid Date Flag?

Lists set on paid date flag status.