Report Links

There are six places reports can run in netFORUM. This article explains how to configure these settings to enable a user to launch a report. It is assumed that at this point, your report works and you have added the Report and any Report Parameters, and now need to add the links to launch the report.

List Results

List. When you list a content item such as Events, the report can appear in the drop-down above the List Results.

On the "List" mode of a page, a report can be called from the dropdown located above the grid and to the immediate left of the output icons (see circled section):

This location is more oriented toward reports about large amounts of data.

To add a Report to the List and Report Central, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Toolkit.
  2. Click into the Application Group in which you want the report to be.
  3. Click to Goto arrow to drill into the Group Item in which you want the report to appear
  4. Now you are in the Content Item page. Add a new contentlink.
  5. The Content Link form will appear and you will enter the following:

    netFORUM Content Link form

    group key: The content group you are in (defaulted)

    item key: the content item you are in (defaulted)

    link text: the text that will appear for the report

    link path: enter /reports

    link file: enter ReportStart.aspx

    link description: enter the same thing you entered in link text above.

    open in new window: click this to launch the report in a new window

    report: choose the report

Report Central

Report Central. Any reports that will appear in the "List" mode will appear in Report Central automatically.

Group Item Links

Group Item Links. The report can be run by clicking on a link when you are on a specific Profile record (for example Individual, Event, Trade Show). These reports will generally be used to key off a specific record. When you are on an Individual, for example, the reports on the Links might be the "Change Log" for that Individual. You would probably not want a report that is geared off a specific record to appear in the List. Generally, reports that are geared toward a specific record would not be made to appear in the List and Report Central.

Form Control Link

Custom link on a page. You can create a URL/hyperlink on a Form Control that will run a report. This is typically done by a developer.

On the Batch Profile Page, some of the icons above the tabs are hyperlinks to reports. In this example, clicking on the Batch Report icon launched the Batch Reconciliation Report in a new window.

Form Link

A Form Link can launch a report.

Adding a report as a Form Link

Go to Setup Forms to find the form on which you want a report link to appear in the Links tab.

Go to Form Links child tab and add a new link.

aspx file: Enter DynamicEdit.aspx to configure the link to appear whenever the Profile page is in view/edit mode.

order: The order the link will appear in the Links bar, from top to bottom.

source form key: the Form to which you are adding the link.

link text: the text that will appear in the Link.

open in new window: Check this to make the report pop up in a new window

report key: choose the report.