Business Publication Audit (BPA) Tracking

netFORUM includes Business Publication Audit (BPA) tracking functionality set up on the Subscriptions Overview page.

Click the BPA hyperlink, the BPA icon, or the Subscription Setup Page hyperlink on the Overview page to set up BPA data.

The Product Subscription Profile page will display.

The BPA codes on each child form correlate to specific data on each section of BPA Audit Report. They are pre-populated into netFORUM and are used for the purpose of BPA tracking hence would not need to be edited or new codes added. Adding or editing codes are for internal tracking only, outside of BPA.

To edit a code, click the edit button on a record in the code column e.g. the Edit - Classification window will display. Edit the classification text box (required) and description. Click Save. This is the same throughout each child form.

Subscriptions must be selected to track BPA during the set up process. On the Subscription Information page during subscription set up, select the track bpa? check box. Since BPA is tracked by issue, the issues must be set up as well.

Individual or Organization BPA data is collected during the subscription purchase in Centralized Order Entry (COE) and can be edited on the Individual and Organization Profile pages.

If the track bpa?check box is selected, BPA information is now required before completing the subscription order in COE.

Select the qualified flag? check box if the individual or organization's information is qualified to be tracked by BPA. If the qualified flag? check box is cleared, their information would only be tracked on the non-qualified section of the BPA Audit.

Enter a date in the qualified date text box. BPA tracks demographic information by date hence updated information as of that qualifying date is required data.

To edit BPA data, go to their Individual or Organization Profile page. On the Subscriptions tab, select an active subscription on the active subscriptions child form.

The Subscriber Profile page will display. In the bpa information section, click the EDIT BPA INFO button.

The Edit — Edit BPA Information page will display with the BPA information pre-populated.

Edit the required information, click Save.

BPA Tracking & Subscription Renewals

You can copy or renew BPA fields when renewing a subscription. Each field originally set-up with the subscription may be selected again on the Subscription renewal form. The subscription renewal process will also set the BPA information on renewal terms.