
Initial Build

2006.01 or earlier



Current Setting Type

Text Box

Use this system option to set the default business unit key before going live. In more technical terms, this system option specifies the atc_key unique key from the ac_company table. This system option fills many drop-down lists on netFORUM data entry pages with a default value. This option has no default because it will be different for each database.


Problem: In the eWeb shopping cart, the payment method drop down list is blank.

Solution: Check that the BusinessUnitDefaultKey is set correctly. The value should be the GUID for the default business unit.

Current Setting

The current setting for BusinessUnitDefaultKey is used as follows:

Values: This system option can be set to any atc_key unique key, or GUID.

Important! Set this system option before going live on netFORUM. It is not likely that this option will need to be changed after going live.

Default Value: This option has no default because it will be different for each database.


This system option includes the following fields:

description: This field gives the description of the system option, including its use and default value.

Important! Do not modify the following fields after the system option is first created. Changing these fields after they have been used can invalidate existing data.

category: This field sets the category (usually the module) where the system option is used.

type : The type field determines the display type of the current setting field (check box, drop-down list, or text box).

values: The values field indicates the allowed values for the current setting field.


Each system option includes the following availability settings:

entity level option?: Select this check box to make this system option available on an entity level.

visible to external systems?: Select this check box to make this system option available in xWeb.