
Initial Build




Current Setting Type

Check Box

Use this system option to enable or disable netFORUM's ability to save a shopping cart in eWeb for a customer who abandons a shopping cart by logging out or closing the browser window. If a customer abandons the browser session before completing the purchase by closing the browser, or logging out, then when he or she returns, the same item(s) will appear in the cart. If the customer is a guest, then he or she must use the same computer and browser for this functionality to work. netFORUM records the items in the cart based on IP address for the user if login information is not available. See WEBCentralizedShoppingCartStoreForeWeb for information on an xWeb web method that can create a saved cart that a user may then load in eWeb.

The default for this option is false (cleared check box).

Tip: Your staff can run an iWeb report to follow-up on abandoned shopping cart merchandise. The report is called the Abandoned Shopping Cart Report. Find the report by going to Modules > Reports and specifying the following:
Module: Accounting
Category: Invoice
Delivery Method: (any option)

Current Setting

The current setting for EnableEwebSavedShoppingCart is used as follows:

Values: This system option can be set to true (selected check box) or false (cleared check box).

  • true—Save items in an abandoned eWeb shopping cart for logged in users and guests.
  • false—Do not save items in an abandoned eWeb shopping cart.

Default Value: false


This system option includes the following fields:

description: This field gives the description of the system option, including its use and default value.

Important! Do not modify the following fields after the system option is first created. Changing these fields after they have been used can invalidate existing data.

category: This field sets the category (usually the module) where the system option is used.

type : The type field determines the display type of the current setting field (check box, drop-down list, or text box).

values: The values field indicates the allowed values for the current setting field.


Each system option includes the following availability settings:

entity level option?: Select this check box to make this system option available on an entity level.

visible to external systems?: Select this check box to make this system option available in xWeb.