
Initial Build




Current Setting Type

Check Box

LowestPriceOnly is used for eWeb and xWeb only. When the value is set to true, the lowest price available to the customer is shown in the shopping cart or returned by xWeb.

If the option is set to false, all available prices are displayed. The system defaults the selected price to the lowest price.

  • This option has no affect on price displays in iWeb. All prices are displayed in iWeb.
  • Prices displayed for each customer depend on the customer attributes. For example, membership level can determine the membership price that a particular customer sees.
  • The setting for this option is overridden if PricingControlKeepPriceFor_eWeb is set to true.


A product has the following associated prices:

  • $90 for members with Silver membership level.
  • $110 for members with Bronze membership level.
  • $150 for members with no associated membership level.

The following table shows how the prices are shown in eWeb (or returned in xWeb), based on the membership level.

LowestPriceOnly Setting Membership Level Prices Displayed in eWeb
true Silver


true Bronze


true No status $150
false Silver



false Bronze



false No Status


Current Setting

The current setting for LowestPriceOnly is used as follows:

Values: This system option can be set to true or false.

  • true—Adding an item to a cart displays only the lowest price to which the customer is entitled.
  • false—Display all prices available to the customer.

Default Value: false