Time - Work Type

Work Types are used to specify the type of work being billed when working with Projects or using the Time Entry feature of netFORUM.

Adding a Work Type

Work Types are specified when working with a Project or entering time in netFORUM.

To add a new Work Type, complete the following steps:

  1. Expand the Module Menu.
  2. Click the Time hyperlink to launch the Time module.
  3. Hover over the Work Type group item to expand the Work Type group item.
  4. Click the Add Work Type hyperlink to open the Add - Work Type page.

    Complete the following fields on the Add - Work Type page.

    Field Name Required? Description
    code Required Enter the code for the new Work Type in the code field. The code is what will appear in the work type drop-down menus in netFORUM.
    description Optional Enter a short description of the Work Type in the description field.
    billing product Optional Expand the billing product drop-down menu and select the Time Billing Product associated to this Work type.
    effective start date Optional Click the calendar icon to expand the date-picker and select the date the new Work Type should be available.
    effective end date Optional Click the calendar icon to expand the date-picker and select the date the new Work Type should no longer be available.
  5. Click the Save button.

    Once saved, the new Work Type will now be visible in the work type drop-down menu on the Add - Project Work Type form which can be accessed from the Project Profile.

Adding a Work Type to a Project Profile

Once a Work Type has been created, it must be associated to a Project. To associate a Work Type to a Project you will add it using the work types child form located on the Project Profile.

To add a Work Type to a Project Profile, complete the following steps,

  1. Use the find or list functionality to locate the Project Profile to which you would like to add the Work Type.
  2. Expand the work types child form located on the Work Types tab.

    If you do not see the Work Types tab displayed on the Project profile, click the More tab to expand the More fly-out menu. Click the Work Types hyperlink to display the Work Types tab.

  3. Click the Add icon located on the right side of the work types child form.

    This will open the Add - Project Work Type pop-up window.

  4. Expand the work type drop-down menu and select the work type to be added to the Project.
  5. Enter the billing rate for the new work type in the rate field.
  6. Click the billable? checkbox if the new Work Type is billable.
  7. Click the Save button.

    The newly added Work Type will now be displayed on the work types child form on the Project Profile.

Finding a Work Type

Use the standard Find and List options available under each group item in the Time module to find the object you are searching for.

Editing a Work Type

To edit a Work Type, complete the following steps,

  1. Use the find and list options to view all Work Types.
  2. Open the Work Type you wish to edit by clicking the Goto go to icon to open the Edit - Work Type page.
  3. Make the desired changes to the Work Type.
  4. Click the Save button.